Fort Loudoun Winchester Virginia
Designed & built by Colonel George Washington
Also related events 1752-1764 before and after French & Indian War
Warren County VA name
Back in the day it wasn't Twitter that ran viral.
It was a painting that went viral.
This painting made Dr Joseph Warren's sacrifice to the cause Famous - well known to all.
It got reprinted.
It got many different versions painted of it by the same painter as well as many copies of it in the newspapers across the land.
It follows the heroic pattern.
A man dying, looking away from life to the next stage.
Dr Joseph Warren got stabbed how many times?
The mutilation made identification difficult.
Warren County VA split off from Frederick Co VA in 1836, the same year Clarke Co split from Frederick Co VA -- both named after a known hero who was not local.
And 1836 was was a few years after this painting got reprinted and talked about.
"Trumbull painted several versions, including the one held by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (dated between 1815 and 1831).
This was commissioned by the Warren family and passed down through the family before being acquired by the museum." Another, larger version (dated 1834) is held by the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut."

Table of contents for Historic haunts of Winchester : a ghostly trip though the past / Mac Rutherford.
Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.
Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.
Table of Contents
Preface by Sally Coates Introduction:
As the Sun Drops Slowly Winchester
1. Confederate in the Window:
25 West Piccadilly Street (formerly Colonial Arts & Crafts)
2. The Cork Street Tavern:
8 West Cork Street
3. Stone Soup: 107 North Loudoun Street 4. Giant Indians: Indian Alley, South Piccadilly Street 5. Lord Fairfax: 114 West Boscawen Street (Christ Episcopal Church Courtyard) 6. Sword in the Rafter: 103 North Braddock Street 7. Prisoners at the Court House: 20 North Loudoun Street 8. Pacing Ghost: 135 North Braddock Street 9. Olde Town Cafe: (Southeast corner of Loudoun and Boscawen Streets) 10. The Blue Lady 11. Patsy: 38 West Boscawen Street (formerly G&M Music) 12. Footsteps: 125 West Boscawen Street 13. Something Lost: 116 N Braddock Street (formerly Winchester Printers) 14. The Stone House: 15 N Braddock Street 15. The Angel Tillie: 33 N Loudoun Street 16. The Arlington Hotel: 151 North Loudoun Street 17. Retreating Yankees: Joseph Denney Residence (Currently an empty lot between 21 S Braddock & 31 S Braddock) 18. Ghosts of Braddock Street Church Parking Lot (Southeast Corner of Braddock Street at Wolfe Street) 19. The Galloping Ghost: Outside the City of Winchester 20. Cards by Candlelight: 28 S Loudoun Street, Godfrey Miller House 21. Red Lion Tavern: 204 & 208 S Loudoun Street 22. Ghosts Everywhere: 2247 Jones Road 23. The Red-Headed Woman Still Waits 24. The Sword of Frank Jones 25. Stonewall Cemetery 26. Handley Library 27. Other Spirits Conclusion
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:
Ghosts -- Virginia -- Winchester.
Haunted places -- Virginia -- Winchester.
Winchester (Va.) -- History.