Fort Loudoun Winchester Virginia
Designed & built by Colonel George Washington
Also related events 1752-1764 before and after French & Indian War
in VA, WV, MD, PA, NC, SC
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Main emphasis is the
French and Indian War years..
Forts and Battles and Treaty locations are added
in the years before and after
to give background to this
World Wide War,
known to this area of North America as the French and Indian War.
CORRECTIONS, additons, suggestions? Please post on
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Forts on the Frontier commanded by George Washington
are listed below
Battles of Cartagena - Washington is 9 years old receiving a letter from his adored older half brother, Lawrence. Admiral Vernon, Va Gov Gooch, and Boscawen are leaders in these battles.
FORT NECESSITY - First Fort out of necessity built and commanded by George Washington Directions
Jumonville Incident Site caused the need to build this fort
Surrender on the 4th of July 1754
FORT CUMBERLAND - First King's Fort built and commanded by George Washington
Church on location of fort wikipedia Headquarters still exists
More history on Fort Cumberland
Washington's complaints of Fort Cumberland
Forts directly West of Fort Loudoun Winchester VA:
These forts were in a more or less a straight line going West and were built near the "Old Road", Route 50 West today. Even in their letters back then the frontier men called this road the "Old Road."
Pearis Fort Street Satelite Views 4 miles from Winchester VA
Pearis fort was north of the old road (Route 50 West) on Indian Hollow Road.
The following battle involved Capt Robt Pearis of Pearis Fort near
Thomas Parker's Fort along the North River. The battle ended in capturing French Plans to attack the depot at Fort Maidstone, found on the dead French Officer Douville. Some articles confuse the details of this North River incident with Capt Jeremiah Smith's battle on the Lost River. Pages 42- 43 Baker Forts.
The letter by Washington to Dinwiddie 7 April 1756 attributes credit to a "Mr Paris." The Maryland Gazette 6 May 1756 states the leader was a Capt Robt Pearis.
Washington sends the scalp of the dead French Officer to Dinwiddie for payment requested by Pearis' men. See footnote 1 in letter. See footnote 15 for Price for scalp.
Orders by Washington on Sept 24 1756 refer to Capt Robt Pearis' Fort as Paris Fort on the "new road" , presently Indian Hollow Road Route 679.
White's Fort Street View wikipedia 8 miles from Winchester VA
Located near Hayfield VA Story of 2 attacks in Pontiac's War
Smith's Fort 10 miles from Winchester VA just around the Great North Mountain from White's Fort in today's town of Gore.
20 October 1755 journal about a trip to Capt Jeremiah Smith's Fort.
Capt Jeremiah Smith was leader on the Battle of the Lost River.
This file contains some good pictures but some of the details are confused with the capture of dead French Officer Douville and his orders. Washington's letter credits that battle fought instead on the North River to a "Mr Paris", a Capt Robt Pearis.
Historical Marker of Lost River Battle. More pictures of marker
Fort Edwards Satelite View Fort Edwards web site
18 miles from Winchester VA, located Capon Bridge WV.
Battle of Great Cacapon 18 April 1756 fought near Fort Edwards
Court Martial 2 May 1756 held in Winchester after this Battle
Another reference to this Court Martial 2 May 1756
The Indian tagged Killbuck was in this battle and others
North of Fort Edwards is Enoch's Fort on North River flowing into the Great Cacapon at the Forks of the Cacapon.
Thomas Parker's Fort topography map More info
This fort was north of the old road (Route 50 West) on North River near Ice Mountain and Hanging Rock.
See first parcel map showing Thomas Parker's land.
Another parcel map showing Thomas Parker's land
There was a battle near Thomas Parker's Fort on the North River that
ended in the capture of dead French Officer Douville with his orders found directing an attack the depot at Fort Maidstone. Capt Robt Pearis (of Pearis Fort) led this battle.
See letter by Washington to Dinwiddie 7 April 1756. In that letter Washington writes , "Mr Paris (Capt Robt Pearis) sends the Scalp (of the dead French Officer Douville) by Jenkins; and I hope, although it is not an Indians, they will meet with an adequate reward, at least, as the Monsieurs is of much more consequence." See footnote 15 for Bounty price of scalp.
Some confusion in this article between Robt Pearis and his more infamous brother Richard Pearis ... Baker Forts book confirms this is really Capt Robt Pearis of Pearis Fort. The Maryland Gazette 6 May 1756 states the leader was a Capt Robt Pearis.
Horner's Fort is near Thomas Parker's Fort.
Location still being researched.
Mistakenly referred to as Homer's Fort in wikipedia. and in Washington's letters. Page 164 Baker Forts.
Wikipedia stub article on Homer's Fort suggests "Homer's Fort" could also be "Fort Mackay" located in Hooks Mills This location and similarity in name can be found in Baker's Forts Page 167 known as McCay's Fort (Mackey's Fort)
McCay's Fort (aka Mackey's Fort)
Baker's Forts Page 167 states "the Fry and Jefferson Map of 1755
placed McCay's Fort (Mackey's Fort) 6 miles on a road south
from Fort Edwards." This places it in Hooks Mills, on the Great Cacapon River 6 miles directly south of Fort Edwards near Route 50 West, the Old Road.
Pearsall's Fort (McKenzie's Fort)
38 miles from Winchester on edge of Romney WV on the "old road" now Route 50 West on the Sourth Branch north of the Trough. Near site of an Ancient Indian Mound.
FORT ASHBY directly north of Romney where Pearsall's is.
Forts on Opequon Creek south of Fort Loudoun Winchester
Long Meadows
Colvill's Fort (now the Thomas Marquis' place) This strong house still stands. It was never garrisoned or threatened. Page 145-146 Bakers Forts
Forts on Cedar Creek south of Fort Loudoun Winchester VA
Going from western most point on Cedar Creek heading east and south to Strasburg
Fry's Fort
Froman's Fort
Stephen's Fort
Nisewanger's Fort
Forts around the Massanutten
Keller's Fort on the East side of Massanutten
Miller's Fort
Wolfe's Fort
Holman's Fort
Forts North of Fort Loudoun Winchester VA
These forts are near Martinsburg WV
Cunningham Fort
Bell's Fort
Baldwin's Fort
Patterson's Fort
Small's Fort
Mendenhall's Fort
Neally's Fort Street View Sign
Story of an attack.
Hedge's Fort
Forts Along the Potomac River from East to West
Fort Maidstone Street View Details+Directions Sign
Along the Potomac, Watkin's Ferry. Across the Potomac is Williamsport and Conococheage Creek. This fort was on the Bradddock Road and a munitions depot, a magazine was here.
Conococheague Depot, north on Conococheage Creek is Baker's Fort and nearby are Shelby's Fort MD and Davis Fort PA
Prather's Fort
Newkirk's Fort
Fort Frederick
Mill's Fort
Sleepy Creek Fort
Fort Tonoloway
Coomb's Fort (north of Fort Tonoloway on Mason Dixon Line)
Cox's Fort
Cresap's Fort
Anderson's Fort
Martin's Fort
Fort Cumberland
Fort Ohio
Forts on South Branch South of Romney WV
Pearsall's Fort in Romney on South Branch: See Forts West of Fort Loudoun
North of the Trough on the South Branch. genealogy article
Fort Pleasant (Waggener's Lower Fort)
see Map of Fort Pleasant There exists a map/drawing of Fort Pleasant signed by James Witt and dated May 1770. The drawing shows blockhouses at the corners of the fort, suggesting that the structure was either remodeled or totally rebuilt sometime after the end of the War. wikipedia . . The Van Meters owned the land south of The Trough (Fort Pleasant) and north of The Trough (Kuykendall Fort) where the Van Meters have a stone block house still standing. For his reason Van Meter Fort is often confused for both Fort Pleasant and Fort Kuykendall,
Battle of the Trough near Fort Pleasant (Waggener's Fort)
In March or April 1756
More on this Battle More on this Battle Map DIRECTIONS
See Washington's map on the Battle of the Trough
The Indian tagged as Killbuck was in this battle and others.
Fort Hopewell (Town Fort) Often both names confused with Buttermilk Fort by wikipedia and other writers.
Buttermilk Fort (Fort Waggener) Later called Fort Holland when Waggener reduced its garrison and took command of Fort Hopewell.
Harness' Fort The largest gathering of the VA Regiment and Militia occurred at this Fort.
Fort Defiance (Waggener's Upper Fort) Later called Powell's Mill and after Fort George.
Wilson's Fort
Fort Upper Track
South Fork of South Branch splits at Moorefield WV
Lynch's Fort
Stump's Fort. Stump's Cabin still exists.
Fort Seybert see picture of Fort Seybert wikipedia
See story of massacre and burning Page 107-110 Baker Forts.
Fort Seybert Massacre More on Indian attacks in area
The Indian tagged as Killbuck was in this battle and others.
The Southern Campaign of Washington outside the Old Frederick County area.
Vause's Fort
Belestre, French Officer, led an attack
Belestre, taken prisoner
We are borrowing a convention of naming from the book titled:
by Norman L Baker published 2000 by The Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society, printed in USA by Buckley's Printing 946 Baker Lane Winchester VA
This book hereinafter referred to as "Baker Forts"
The military built or garrisoned fortifications ... have the preface "Fort," such as Fort Loudoun, Fort Cumberland, Fort Frederick, Fort Pleasant."
The block houses with stockades built by frontier settlers and primarily staffed by local militia with visits by the Virginia Regiment do not have the preface Fort, such as Pearis Fort, or White's Fort etc.
Please contact us if you disagree with any of the naming conventions or anything that needs correcting or additional information.
Or post comment on Facebook Page
French Forts who aided and directed and supported Indian Attacks on British colonists in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.

Fort Presque Isle
map historical marker
Fort Le Boeuf
map Historical Society historical marker
Fort Machault
map wikipedia historical marker
Street view historial marker
satelite view
Note: Fort Venango near Fort Machault in Franklin Pa was a British fort erected later in 1760.
Fort Duquesne
map directions and information
1755 Braddock Expedition
1758 Forbes Expedition
1758 Battle near Fort Duquesne

Forbes Campaign Forts in Pennsylvania
Locations of Forbes Road Markers
wikipedia article Fort Loudoun PA website
Fort Littleton
Fort Bedford
Anglo-Cherokee War 1758-1761