Fort Loudoun Winchester Virginia
Designed & built by Colonel George Washington
Also related events 1752-1764 before and after French & Indian War
No specific date
Drummers in 1756 - how many to a company?
The Law of Conservation
Handel and Hallejiuha and King George II
Hallejuha - King George II stood up? Letter in 1756
Jan 1, 1756
Two attacks on the Pennsylvania's Gnaddenhutten on 24 Nov 1755 and 1 Jan 1756
Jan 12 and 26, 1756
While Colonel George Washington was headquartered in Winchester VA, there are references to his purchase of slaves in the letters of 12 January 1756 and 22 January 1757.
See story here -
Jan 13, 1756
A good thing they were all in the Virginia Regiment.
They would have killed each other.
The 9 of Diamonds is seen on the floor.
In a Game of Brag.
It leads all the way to the top.
Lt Gov Dinwiddie of Virginia agrees to divorce the cheater from the service 13 January 1756.They didn’t call this a Court Martial. They called it a Court of “Enquiry.”
April 1756
April 16
April 21
FELTNER'S Winchester Appeals to Washington
May 1,2, 1756
May 18
Building Fort Loudoun Winchester VA starts
A picture of what it will look like after most of it is done
The Well of History:
The well dug at Fort Loudoun Winchester VA was dug and blasted by Colonel George Washington's men in 1756 still exists.
Date of starting Fort Loudoun - Fort Loudoun Day celebrates this
Fort Loudoun Winchester VA - What did it look like?
August About the Well at Fort Loudoun which still exists
About the man who dug it and blasted away at it - by Scott Straub
June 1756
The Black Hole of Calcutta
August 1756
Fort Loudoun, Winchester VA is no longer going to receive Ben Franklin's mail service.
November 20, 1756
Mass Resignation of Officers
December 1
You Get to Go Home. Draft terms expire
December 2
Colonel George Washington moves into Fort Loudoun
December 3, 1756,
a posse is ordered.
Imagine just moving into a fort as commander, and right away you have a whole bunch of deserters. You end up finding out this family friend has organized those deserters. And later you find out your own boss hired him to enlist for another unit, while employed in your army? And then you need horses to hunt them down. And who do you irritate to get those horses immediately?
Dec 7 to Dec 15
A week in the life of the Virginia Regiment and Fort Loudoun
27 Dec 1756 and 31 Dec 1756 - Two letters
Jan 1, 1757
A witness starts this accusation
Loudoun wonders if GW is a Traitor?
Jan 10, 1757
Jan 12, 1757
Jan 22, 1757
Letter from John Carlyle to GW
New Years Day – Slave Auction Day?
Jan 22, 1757
Lord Loudoun and the war January 1757
Jan 22, 1757
Letter from William Fairfax to GW
Denis McCarty's rough enlisting tactics
Jan 28, 1757
GW writes to Lord Loudoun's aide de camp - "Masters of that Fortress"
Feb 2, 1757
Lord Loudoun and the war February 1757
Feb 7, 1757
Feb 11, 1757
Washington Birthday the 11th or 22nd?
21 February 1757
3 Years later GW finds out he's an Assassin?
GW finds out in Philadelphia in Feb 1757 a report and accusation about his actions in 1754. He finds out from a 3 Feb 1757 issue of Pennsylvania Gazette published prior to GW's arrival in Philly. The article's source for its information comes from a French publication found off a captured French ship. The French publications lists George Washington as one of the reasons Britain -- not France -- is the culprit for starting this present war.
More on GW the Assassin, the cause of this war
Loudoun ponders but decides GW is not a traitor
Lord Loudoun's big conference in Philadelphia:
10 March 1757
GW writes Dinwiddie: "being Americans..."
15 March 1757
Catawba at Col Read's place in Lunenburg VA
Catawba allies - oh they're coming
April 1, 1757
95 Catawba are in Winchester VA
April 2, 1757
Leaving Fort Cumberland - Finally
Fort Cumberland - the story behind the name
April 5, 1757
Cherokee are in Lunenburg VA - they're coming too to Winchester VA
200 to South Carolina, 100 to Cherokee lands
April 16, 1757
President before he was President
One of the matters also decided was to abandon the Forts on Patterson Creek, which meant both Ashby’s Fort and Cocke’s Fort, the first 2 forts built after Fort Cumberland. That was 16 April 1757.
They are still abandoned as of Nov 1757
April 20, 1757
The Cherokee at Fort Loudoun, Winchester VA
The Great Men of Virginia are liars:
More on the different warriors and their speeches in Winchester:
April and May 1757
Most of April and May of 1757 was about implementing the decisions made by Lord Loudoun with the Governors of PA, VA, MD and NC in Philly in March 1757.
We will document that story of April and May of implementing those decisions made in March of 1757.
But during all that?
That word appeared in print in a publication GW noticed while in Philly.
May 1757
We wonder if these annual set of 2 festivals were held in the years of 1755 thru 1758? On 24 May 1757 Colonel George Washington while at Fort Loudoun Winchester VA, writes to Lt Gov Dinwiddie still talking about the enemy in the area:
May 6, 1757
May 27
It's all about the name of the bill
June 1757
The Chessboard as of June 1757
June 10
Baker's letter about losing Swallow and capturing a French officer
June 15
French Prisoner at Fort Loudoun Winchester VA
June 19
A Drunk Casanova is No Casanova
June 20, 1757
letter worrying about Spotswood and Baker Company fates, mentioning Brave Harry
June 27
July 1757
Winchester VA and Happy Treason Day
We wonder what is going on at the site of Braddock's Defeat just 2 years later:
The Longest Battle Fought with Nobody
July 1, 1757
July 12, 1757
July 18, 1757
July 20, 1757
July 24, 1757
Powder Horns vs cartridge boxes
July 26, 1757
July 27, 1757
June François-Louis Picoté de Belestre taken prisoner to Fort Loudoun Winchester VA.
August 1757
August 17
A letter by Capt Mercer on loan to Charleston SC generates a lot of stories:
Just One Letter is full of Stories
A letter from Capt Mercer presages an event Lord Nelson called The Happiest Day of the Year
That same letter by Capt Mercer leads us to discover possibly the origin of all horror literature:
August 20, 1757
Lt Col Adam Stephen writes about THAT MIGHTY CONQUEROR LOVE
September 1757
A letter from Col George Washington listing the deserters on 17 July 1757 does not get
advertised in the Virginia Gazette until 5 Sept 1757:
Sept 3, 1757
William Fairfax dies 3 Sept 1757
Sept 15, 1757
Lt Charles Smith, Foreman of building Fort Loudoun, kills a man with one punch in a bar in Fredericksburg VA
Sept 20, 1757
Lewis Stephens writes a letter about Indian threats and attacks and wants help from GW
October 1757
Oct 1-24, 1757
Oct 24, 1757
Stroud’s fort may have been the new house of John Stroud (Strode) built to replace one burned in 1756 in an Indian raid. Stroud’s house was 3 miles from Martinsburg near Evans’s fort.
From George Washington to Joshua Lewis, 24 October 1757
Oct 15, 1757
Gage on his way back from Loudoun's in Halifax. Loudoun intended to reduce Fortress Louisbourg
Gage is in Albany now
November 1757
Rutherford Rangers
We want to make note of a gap of time where no official Ranger company operated in Frederick and Hampshire Counties in Virginia from summer of 1756 to late into November 1757.
Rutherford's Rangers and the Big T route
The differences between Rangers, Militia, VA Regiment
One's in the VA Regiment, the other a Ranger, and the last a Militia man
2 companies in Charleston SC
George Mercer is still in Charleston. So is Adam Stephen. He's the head of the other company. These were 2 companies of the VA Regiment sent to South Carolina in the plan hatched in a conference held in Philadelphia in March of 1757 by some of the Governors and Lord Loudoun.
We thought each company had only one drummer because of the return of 9 Oct 1756. The Returns for that 9 Oct 1756, Colonel George Washington's company shows 2 drummers but only one drummer for all the other companies. By 1 Dec 1757 there were 2 drummers listed in every company.
The Roster, the Drums, The Flag
One of the matters also decided was to abandon the Forts on Patterson Creek, which meant both Ashby’s Fort and Cocke’s Fort, the first 2 forts built after Fort Cumberland. That was 16 April 1757.
They are still abandoned as of Nov 1757
Nov 1, 1757
Marylanders have a Complaint? What is it?
Nov 9, 1757
Mid December
Goodbye Lord Loudoun
William Pitt is waiting for a plan from Lord Loudoun. He recieves none. Now it is time to change leadership. In December 1757 Pitt recalled Loudoun to England. ----end of Founders online footnote.
Lord Loudon doesn't physically leave in December. He is still in NYC working on many matters, including the organization of Robert Rogers Rangers in Jan and Feb 1758]
Neally's Fort
We got it confirmed that by December of 1757 there were no Virginia Regiment soldiers garrisoning that fort. This link shows a roster and locations of garrisons. Look at Captain Joshua Lewis Company. His men were stationed all around that area. But they were garrisoning that fort in June and then in August 1757.
April Massacre at Fort Seybert
July Washington's first successful election to the House of Burgesses
April 1758
William Pitt actually finalizied the plans 31 Dec 1757, but the plan was
transported accross that Atantic and not received until middle of March 1758
and not really excecuted until April 1757
10 April 1758
2 White Guy Active Shooters disguised as Indian
12 April 1758
Creation of the 2nd VA Regiment
12 April 1758
The tally of Cherokee and Catawba allies in Winchester VA
29 April 1758
Fort Upper Tract and Fort Seybert MASSACRE!
23 August 1758
War report by Abraham Bosomworth & story of brother's wife
28 August 1758
The Road Not Taken From GW to Bouquet
Sept 1758
Reas town & Loyalhanna (later as Forts Bedford & Ligonier)
Carolus Linnaeus took Mark Catesby's picture of that Skink and called it Lacerta fasciate in 1758.
14 Sept 1758
Grant's Hill
September Establishing Stephensburg (now Stephens City) and enlarging Winchester
November 1758
Evan Shelby on up to Ford vs Ferrari
Friendly Fire - Where did it happen?
Friendly Fire Bad - Prisoner Good!
Winchester was part of this Empire from 1744 to 1776, - 32yrs
Skulls and No Bones. Thanksgiving and then march to the 3 years of Unburied men.
Skulls, no Bones? Peter Halkett's Death Embrace true?
Nov 26-27, 1758
Forbes names the area Pittsbourg or Pittsbourgh
Nov 28, 1758
was the day Colonel George Washington's men of the Forbes Expedition marched to the site of Braddock's Defeat to find their comrades never buried, sitting above ground for the last 3 years. But what was left? Skulls.
The Postmortem by Forbes: The Gold Medallions
The Postmortem by Forbes: The Indian Ohio country
Postmortem by Forbes: Myrmidons
The Hard Road back to Fort Loudoun - some don't return