Fort Loudoun Winchester Virginia
Designed & built by Colonel George Washington
Also related events 1752-1764 before and after French & Indian War
Conotocaurious, George Washington's nickname
John Washington, great grandfather of George Washington
The Queen of the Damned, Alliquipa
Rufus King finds Thomas Jefferson a Queen
Dec 6, 1675
Monmouth Street Winchestr VA comes from this ghastly event:
It is said that before laying his head to the block Monmouth specifically bade
Jack Ketch finish him at one blow, saying he had mauled others before. Disconcerted, Ketch did indeed inflict multiple blows with his axe, the prisoner rising up reproachfully the while - a ghastly sight that shocked the witnesses, drawing forth execrations and groans. Some say a knife was at last employed to sever the head from the twitching body. Sources vary; some claim eight blows, the official Tower of London fact sheet says it took five blows..."
Daniel Parke - The Dunbar Lawsuit
This notorious rascal, murdered on 7 December 1710, 22 years before George Washington is born, leaves a legacy on our George Washington -- a law suit.
This Daniel Parke who leaves this legacy wasn't just murdered. He was mutilated afterwards.
Lightning Strikes? Before George Washington is Born
Celebration in 2022 of Washington's Birthday
Washington's Birthday date Feb 11 or Feb 22
Frederick Co VA birth
Dec 21, 1738
Virginia creates Frederick County and Augusta County
1 Aug 1740
The work was initially devised as a masque in 1740 and was first performed at Cliveden, country home of Frederick, Prince of Wales, on 1 August 1740 to commemorate the accession of George I and the birthday of the Princess Augusta. Arne later revised the work turning it into an all-sung oratorio in 1745 and then an opera in 1753. It is best known for its finale "Rule, Britannia!".
November 20, 1741
And the circus of 5 running for office turns in an all day off and on riot
King George III Monday July 6, 1747
March Washington's first journey over the Blue Ridge
July Washington as Surveyor
Celeron's Expedition and WWI connection
Washington's first lands
2 November Washingtons in Barbados
Dec 3, 1751
Clothes taken while GW was Swimming? Court Case
James Wood Founder of Winchester VA
Winchester's Annual Festivals
14 September Fully implemented Calendar Change
May Washington's Winchester In Lot and Out Lot
March, July Wyoming Valley Dispute begins
September Indian Winchester Conference
Sept 10, 1753
October Washington quits as surveyor to become Adjutant of Southern District with rank of Major
Just a Shot Away
December 27, 1753 See the Indian aiming at Major George Washington and Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist?
Washington's 2 Journals 1753-1754
for expedition 31 October 1753 to 16 January 1754 and
for expedition 31 March 1754 to 27 June 1754
Jan 16, 1754
George Washington 1st trip ends 16 Jan 1754
May Jumonville Incident 28 May
May 28
Start and End of Seven Years War
July 3 Fort Necessity. Battle of the Great Meadows.
November King's Order settling rank and command
Jacob Sperry was born in 1754
and was part of Daniel Morgan's "Dutch Mess." He owned a place he made a tanyard and continued to be one long after he was gone. Quarles states, " Jacob Sperry conducted a Tanyard on this location, his own house apparently being located in the vacant space on the southeast corner of Cork and Kent Streets, although it is possible that the stone house at 204 South Kent may have been his home.
The Law of Conservation in 1756
Fort Davis and Conococheague Institute
July 9 Braddock's Defeat
July 13 Braddock's Sash
July 23
July 28
The Acadian Expulsion
August 14
George Washington is rehired
Building of Fort Ashby starts
November 1
Earthquake of Lisbon on All Saints Day
Nov 24, 1755
The first one was in Lehighton PA on Nov 24, 1755. The account of this attack below is found in a 1916 report on Fort Allen.
December 10
Washington's first election ends in defeat
Washington literally gets knocked down song:
Let us just say you are 23 years old, 6 feet 3 inches tall and you are head of all of the military forces in an entire colony and you've just seen horrific warfare last summer in the failed Braddock Expedition and the year before that you were captured at your Fort Necessity and you are well known for a book of your diary entries published in London about your trip to serve notice to the French to leave and now fast forward you just lost an election the day before in Winchester VA and the next day outside the Fairfax County Courthouse polling place you make a remark against this little guy who becomes so angry he knocks you down to the ground with his hickory cane in front of a big crowd. What would you do? And what did you say to anger that little guy? But forget about that for now. More importantly, what are you going to do now?
December 25 Dec 6 to Christmas in 1755
Read Charles Lewis diary of this time