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Digging up Braddock's Grave


Oyster House - western most barracks of Fort Loudoun?

29 June 1827

Columbus Diary published in English


Oyster House in 1820 was one of the original barracks of Fort Loudoun Winchester VA


n 1890, the United States Board on Geographic Names was created to establish uniform place name usage throughout the various departments and agencies of the U.S. government. To guide its standardization efforts, the Board adopted thirteen general principles, one of which was that the final -h should be dropped from place names ending in -burgh.

Pittsburg without an 'h'


Willa Cather writes a story about  Lord Fairfax



Winchester city government purchases Washington Place, also known either as Washington's Headquarters or Washington's Office, located on northeast corner of Cork and Braddock streets in Winchester VA.




Responding to mounting pressure and, in the end, political pressure from senator George T. Oliver, the names board reversed itself and added an h to its spelling of the city on July 19, 1911. The letter sent to Senator Oliver to announce this decision, dated July 20 [1911], stated:


Pittsburgh, a city in Pennsylvania (not Pittsburg).


With the spelling controversy largely settled, the h-less form of the city's name headed toward extinction. There were some holdouts: the city's largest-circulation newspaper, The Pittsburg Press, adhered to the shorter spelling until 1921;The Pittsburg Dispatch and The Pittsburg Leader did so until ceasing publication in 1923.

Pittsburgh gets its "h" back


October Braddock Memorial in Uniontown PA




May 27 Braddock Memorial in Winchester VA




The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, armistice day and its connection to the Braddock Cannon



January 24

Historical Signs at 1840 Courthouse




September 3. Life Magazine publishes article titled, ""Who Gets the General's Body?" South Carolina comes to Mt Hebron Cemetery in Winchester VA to claim Daniel Morgan's remains.




Spring. French and Indian War Foundation is created


August. 419 N Loudoun Street is purchased by the French and Indian War Foundation.  This is a portion of the site for Fort Loudoun, Winchester VA.


Feb 22, 2016

Capt George Mercer Co of Colonel George Washington's Virginia Regiment is created

the image in here


The Well of History:

The well dug at Fort Loudoun Winchester VA was dug and blasted by Colonel George Washington's men in 1756 still exists.

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, armistice day


Sept 22, 2018

Abrams Delight event

Dec 2018

Govt shutdown of founders online

toy settler and wife cabin.jpg
Four central themes:

1. Winchester VA,  old Frederick Co VA

2. George Washington before the War of Independence

3. French and Indian War in the VA, MD, PA, NC, SC theatre

4. How this World Wide War impacted the 3 subjects above

The Blog covers the years as following:

2023 we explore 1759
2022 we explore 1758

2021 we explore 1757
2020 we explore 1756

Prior to 2020 the blog posts look at any year for that month.
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