“Der Feind, Heraus! Heraus!”
“Der Feind, Heraus! Heraus!” - is what Lt Andreas Wiederholdt may have heard on Christmas Day 1776. The Hessian, Lt Andreas...

Just a Shot Away
December 27, 1753 See the Indian aiming at Major George Washington and Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist? . (Click or touch images to...

History on Founders Online
Sunday Word 1 . Founders Online? Let us hope that some Great Financier comes out to finance a Private Solution to maintaining Our...

Christmas 1755
Sunday Word 2 Christmas 1755 . This is a one sided view. But it is truly a part of the record. We mean to tell the whole story as best we...

Why Soldiers Why?
A song that asks a question? Why Soldiers Why?. Maybe James Wolfe sang this the night before he died on the Plains of Abraham in the...

Look to the Opposite Shore
Sunday Word. December 1675. . . A month of Sorrow. A month of recovering. A month of planning Revenge. . January 1675 is when they...

. . We've heard some re-enactor groups didn't think drummers were integral or that important. . Maybe because we have a drummer, we'd...

George Washington Knocked Down
The day after George Washington loses his first run for political office to represent Frederick Co VA, he gets knocked down by an angry litt

Captain George Mercer VA Regiment
We bring you stories of men who were Daniel Boone on steroids, much more center stage than the peripheral Daniel who exemplified an age...

Deserters - Mercer heads Posse
Last night, December 3, 1756, a posse is ordered. . Imagine just moving into a fort as commander, and right away you have a whole bunch...