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Just a Shot Away

December 27, 1753 See the Indian aiming at Major George Washington and Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist? .

(Click or touch


to find source)

. 21 Year old

Major George Washington became famous in 1754

in London

after this diary got published.


But the detail of this story is richer in Christopher Gist's diary.


Compare what GW wrote with what his Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist wrote. .

. Major Washington writes, . "The Day following,

(which is 27 December 1753)

just after we had passed a Place called the Murdering-Town (where we intended to quit the Path,

and steer across the Country for Shannapins Town, we fell in with a Party of French Indians, who had lain in Wait for us. . One of them fired at Mr Gist or me, not 15 Steps off, but fortunately missed. . We took the fellow into Custody. We kept him till about 9 o'Clock at Night:

Then let him go,

and walked all the remaining part

of the Night without making any Stop;

that we might get the Start,

so far, as to be out of the Reach

of their Pursuit the next Day,

since were well assured

they would follow our Tract

as soon as it was light." .

End Quote.



Just a Shot Away ....


If mobile phone cropping off video,

click on link, but you know this song

if you're of a certain age ...





Again, Major Washington gets fame for his diary, but Christopher Gist differs with Major Washington's account about a group laying in wait for them.


Christopher Gist also provides much more detail. .


. Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist writes, . Thursday 27. — We rose early in the morning, and set out about two o'clock.


Got to the Murthering town, on the southeast fork of Beaver creek.


Here we met with an Indian, whom I thought I had seen at Joncaire's, at Venango, when on our journey up to the French fort.


This fellow called me by my Indian name,

and pretended to be glad to see me.


He asked us several questions,

as how we came to travel on foot, when we left Venango,

where we parted with our horses, and when they would be there, etc.


Major Washington insisted on travelling on the nearest way to forks of Alleghany.


We asked the Indian if he could go with us, and show us the nearest way.


The Indian seemed very glad and ready to go with us.


Upon which we set out, and the Indian took the Major's pack. We travelled very brisk for eight or ten miles, when the Major's feet grew very sore, and he very weary, and the Indian steered too much north-eastwardly.



The Major desired to encamp, to which the Indian asked to carry his gun.


But he refused that, and then the Indian grew churlish, and pressed us to keep on, telling us that there were Ottawa Indians in these woods, and they would scalp us if we lay out ; but to go to his cabin, and we should be safe.


I thought very ill of the fellow, but did not care to let the Major know I mistrusted him.


But he soon mistrusted him as much as I.

. He said he could hear a gun to his cabin, and steered us more northwardly.


We grew uneasy, and then he said two whoops might be heard to his cabin.



We went two miles further ; then the Major said he would stay at the next water, and we desired the Indian to stop at the next water.


But before we came to water, we came to a clear meadow ; it was very light, and snow on the ground.


The Indian made a stop, turned about ;


the Major saw him point his gun toward us and fire.

. Said the Major, " Are you shot? "


" No," said I.


Upon which the Indian ran forward to a big standing white oak, and to loading his gun ;


but we were soon with him.




I would have killed him ; but the Major would not suffer me to kill him.


We let him charge his gun ; we found he put in a ball ;

. then we took care of him. The Major or I always stood by the guns;


we made him make a fire for us by a little run, as if we intended to sleep there.


I said to the Major, " As you will not have him killed, we must get him away, and then we must travel all night."


Upon which I said to the Indian, " I suppose you were lost, and fired your gun." He said, he knew the way to his cabin, and 'twas but a little way. "Well," said I, " do you go home ; and as we are much tired, we will follow your track in the morning ; and here is a cake of bread for you, and you must give us meat in the morning." He was glad to get away. I followed him, and listened until he was fairly out of the way, and then we set out about half a mile, when we made a fire, set our compass, and fixed our course, and travelled all night, and in the morning we were on the head of Piney creek. .

End Quote.



A suggested Starting Point to find where this all happened.


The Google Car drove by.


40°47'17.7"N 80°01'57.2"W 1446-1498 PA-68, Evans City, PA 16033


If on mobile phone, cropping off Google Car,




SOURCES: . George Washington Diary


. Christopher Gist Diary



Washington’s 2 Journals 1753-1754

. 31 October 1753 to 16 January 1754 – 1st journey

. 31 March 1754 to 27 June 1754 – 2nd journey



. Washington Irving's popular biography

of the Life of George Washington

has illustrations of this journey of 1753. . Emerson’s magazine and Putnam’s monthly. v.5. page 561 .;view=1up;seq=473 . Emerson’s Magazine and Putnam’s Monthly, 2nd part page 668 .;view=1up;seq=580




Want to know where this all happened?


Here's a start:

. Monument near spot of Indian shooting at GW and Gist


40°47'17.7"N 80°01'57.2"W 1446-1498 PA-68, Evans City, PA 16033





Shooting Site marked



. By the way, Christopher Gist begot Nathaniel Gist who begot Sequoyah, the creator of the Cherokee Written Characters. . . . .

. . Christopher Gist's Plantation Historical Marker . .


. . Washington's lot in Morgan County PA

Indian Towns in Western PA such as



















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