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"Masters of that Fortress"

"Masters of that Fortress" George Washington says ! !


GW is referring to Fort DuQuesne in what is today's Pittsburgh PA.


All the forts, all the Indian attacks, all the troop movements, all the desertions, all the House of Burgess deliberations, all the allocations of money, all the King's Men ---all of it is just treading water with no progress. That's 1757 for you. We continue our trek thru that year. . While at Fort Loudoun, GW writes to Lord Loudoun's aide de camp, James Cuninghame, 28 Jan 1757:

I am firmly perswaded that 3,000 Men under good regulation (and surely the 3 Middle Colonies coud easily raize, and support that Number) might Fortifie all the Passes between this and Ohio: Take possession of that River: cut of the Communication between Fort Duquisn and the Lakes, and with a middling Train of Artillery (with proper Officers & Enjineers) make themselves Masters of that Fortress, which is now become the Terror of these Colonies


End of Quote. . GW is right, right? Next year they get around to it. But not this year. . What happens this year is a very unreported campaign in concert with our Indian Allies. who numbered almost to a 1000 coming to Winchester in this year of 1757 alone.


Our Indian Alley in Winchester VA ain't Indian Alley for nothing.


They lost their lives in this campaign.

Promises of presents and reward were easily broken. And not yet to this day have we set up a Veterans Day for THEM. . One day we will. At Fort Loudoun Winchester VA, we vow to honor the fallen who did our bidding and for what? . The answer will only be revealed at that ceremony. We have discussed this idea for some time and we mean to make it happen. If you want to be part of the words said at this ceremony, please message me. . Source of letter .




Compiled by Jim Moyer 1/30/2021, updated 1/31/2021































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