Rutherford's Rangers
We want to make note of a gap of time when no official Ranger company operated in Frederick and Hampshire ounties in Virginia from summer...

Mercer still in Charles Town SC
George Mercer is still a Captain. He's also still technically aide de camp to Colonel George Washington. And his company's men were some...

Rutherford's Rangers Fears Realized
Before we get to the complaining Rangers, and this complaint was from one of the Ranger groups who Colonel George Washington liked, we...

Marylanders have a Complaint? What is it?
We are still waiting to hear from the Marylanders just what this complaint was. So we salute our Marylander brethren and await their...

When are GW's intentions to run first known?
When GW's intentions to run again are known: . . I believe that it will not hurt Yr Interest as a Candidate for there are too many...

The Roster, the Drums, The Flag
What pops out on this Return of the Virginia Regiment 1 Dec 1757 ? Two Drummers in every company. Two Drummers are in every of the 8...

Rutherford's Rangers and the Big T route
Before we get to the complaining Rangers, and this complaint was from one of the Ranger groups who Colonel George Washington liked, we...

Fort Ashby Speaker
We've assembled a chronology in honor of a historian coming to speak about Fort Ashby at the annual meeting of the French and Indian War...

Suspect Dunkards?
Not Drunkards --- Dunkards. They were odd, different and therefore suspicious enough to be thought of as possible spies. Beyond that,...

Which Cocks, Cocke, Cox?
. We have a local living historian, Phil Hunter, who has played the role of a William Cocks for years in Winchester VA. Left to Right....