Cherokee - its hawks and doves
. Frustrated by Atkin and spurred by the desperate French, the Mortar and his faction strove harder to impel the Cherokees into further...

American Express' runaway horse blazes by Fort Loudoun
American Express was still running wagons drawn by horses in 1923. This story involves such a wagon running past the Fort Loudoun...

Christopher Gist contracts Small Pox, Dies
During the summer of 1759, Gist contracted smallpox and died in South Carolina or Georgia. Gist's pay for military service with the First...

Enough to pierce a Heart of an Adamant
This word adamant was used a little differently in 1759 before and after for awhile. “The shocking Scenes which presented themselves in...

Goody Two Shoes
Goody Two Shoes was a phrase known and used not only in 1759 but much earlier too. During an era when people were literally walking...

GW decides earlier than 24 Nov 1757 to run for office
Because Lt Gov Dinwiddie has been signalling his desire to leave office and return to England since March 1757, GW knows new elections...

Thank you Candidates - GW election reenactment
For the 5th annual reenactment of the 24 July 1758 election on 22 July 2023: THANK YOU TO The Candidates -- a big thank you for...

Replaying raising James Wood - GW election reenactment
For the 5th annual reenactment of the 24 July 1758 election on 22 July 2023: From the reenactment of the 1758 election yesterday that...

Contemplating a beer - GW election reenactment
For the 5th annual reenactment of the 24 July 1758 election on 22 July 2023: A voter examines an empty beer glass from the Virginia Beer...

Interesting the Future into the Past - GW election reenactment
For the 5th annual reenactment of the 24 July 1758 election on 22 July 2023: A young man named Ben is given a tricorner by Jim Moyer. He...