Little Carpenter (Attakullakulla) gets around maybe
As we scour the events of 1758 in this year of 2022, we run into the Little Carpenter. His group of Cherokee are the last band of...

Cherokee and Blacks
The Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole owned slaves. The slaves were Black, White, and Red. On April 10, 1758, uninvited...

Andrew Lewis hostage
Andrew Lewis is hostage in Montreal Canada, 31 October 1758. He's allowed to write a letter. He was captured from the battle of ...

An Attack, Virginia closes session, Bastion crumbling
October 12, 1758 was an interesting day. The French and "their" Indians attacked Loyalhannon. On that same day, the VA House of...

We are reviewing 1758 in this year of 2022, and we are following the Forbes Expedition at this time. Lt Col Henry Bouquet is mostly on...

Courts-Martial at Reas town
The Forbes Expedition of 1758 was a multi-glot of nations, colonies, Indians. Just as Braddock's was in 1755. Because of all this...

What's our future King George III doing in 1758?
It is time to know your last King. It's time to supplement what you got out of that Hamilton play on our singing George. He's not King...