La Force captured at Jumonville, now in NYC
French prisoner, LaForce (Michel Pépin) pops up again April 21, 1759. He's in New York City now. But his English guardians need some...

The Gray Champion - Nathaniel Hawthorne
We take a break from April 1759 in April 2023 to reach back to our ancestors of April 1689. Nathaniel Hawthorn tells a story of that....

Little Carpenter doesn't quit. Against all Odds.
Little Carpenter is indefatiguable. He does not weaken under insult. This man keeps his head straight. Everybody else feels compelled...

STEWART STREET- story of a polite curt reply
Next time you drive down Stewart Street in Winchester, you will remember the story of the polite curt reply. George Washington politely...

Stewart Street -- is it named after Capt Robt Stewart?
There are several Stewarts who can confuse us. . Not John Stewart, Ordinary owner He was an owner of an Ordinary in Winchester VA. An...

Who's Major? Robt Stewart? Walter Stewart?
We run into pleas for pay in March 1759 from both Stewarts regarding pay as Major in the Virginia Regiment. But they weren't the original...

Richard Bland and the Pistole Controversy
Every nation has some top notch talent. They're not known widely in posterity. Richard Bland is one of those footnotes. He was big in...

How big was Virginia?
While reviewing the law passed on 14 April 1759 there is a reference to protecting and encouraging Virginians upon the waters of the...

Thornton Gap Skyline Drive VA
George Washington paid in April 1759 the widow of Colonel Francis Thornton for use of her carpenter. Her deceased husband adorns the...

piftoles and miffiffippi
While covering a law April 1759 we run into those two words. Miffiffippi? That's Mississippi, where the letter "s" looks like an "f." ...