King George II - what's he look like in 1758?
Look at King George II in circa 1755-1757 and then circa 1759-1760. He dies in 1760. Look at King George II circa 1755-1757 This...

Divorce from the Past
This story all started with the desire to know what King George II looked like in 1758. We celebrated his birthday in Winchester VA in...

The language was changing rapidly. A major dictionary of the language was published in 1755. We notice even the word "Ye" often used for...
Mount Vernon in June 1758
Our Colonel George Washington is a multi-tasker. All these balls are up in the air. He's getting ready to run for the House of...

Get the Fauquier over here !!!
Finally. A new "governing governor." In our continuing look at 1758 in this year of 2022, we want to tell you who is behind that name of...

The Short and Happy Life of George McSwane
On 14 June 1758, Colonel George Washington sits at his headquarters looking out the window above the front gate of Fort Loudoun in...

"The Black is arrived"
"The Black is arrived." That's what Sir John St Clair writes a letter from Carlisle PA on 22 June 1758 to Colonel George Washington at...

VA Executive Council June 6th and 12th, 1758
At a Council held June 6th 1758 John Blair Peter Randolph Present The Governor Philip Ludwell Esqrs . Mr. Commissary A Letter from Sir...

Louisbourg and Winchester Sister Cities
Here we are on 5 June 2022, looking at 8 June 1758, the beginning of the siege of Louisbourg, an event that would supply our town of...