Warn the Cherokee at Fort Loudoun, Don't attack.
Warn the Cherokee not to attack the French allied Indians? That's not going to happen. Who's giving that warning? Governor William Denny...

Founding Father Quotes come from CATO, A TRAGEDY
Many of the Founding Fathers quoted from this play, even putting a little spin and polish to make the quote better. This play should be...

The Storm is Gathering . . . Again
In this year of 1758 we are covering in 2022, the war clouds are gathering up again. It's been mostly quiet at Fort Loudoun. The past 2...

Comanche Attack Spanish outpost, but the Alamo is safe
It will be 200 years before John Wayne and Hollywood show up in the Texas area to deal with the Comanche, but this Comanche "first...

Frederick the Great felt like . . .
In our covering 1758 in this year of 2022, we run into the Russian takeover of Königsberg (Kaliningrad now) in 1758 which makes us look...

Ukraine means the Borderlands
The building of Fort Loudoun followed not only one year after the Braddock disaster (which is why it was built) but building of the fort...

Kaliningrad in 1758
In the last year [1758] of building Fort Loudoun in Winchester VA, we look across the globe in this world wide war. Our Virginia Regiment...