A Storm is coming - Mercer writes about it
. This is a story told by Captain George Mercer. A Storm approaches. Picture by Jim Moyer, Eric Cherry contributed by making those...
The Great Men of Virginia were Liars
“I don’t understand writing, but got a Man to write a Letter for me to the Governour to acquaint him what things I had promised my young...
You Can't Just Walk Off
You can't just walk away. Whatever right you think you have, you better have such a right affirmed by legal approval. And that's the way...
200 to South Carolina, 100 to Cherokee lands
Lt Gov Dinwiddie of Virginia agreed at the convention of Governors in Philadelphia held by Lord Loudoun 14-23 March 1757 to send 400...
President before he was President
We continue our trek through 1757 in this year of 2021. We come upon a Council of War 16 April 1757, using the term President. We've been...
Researching Land ownership
. Just notes Original posted with the story on Fort Warden. . Sources and Notes http://www.wvculture.org/history/journal_wvh/wvh40-2.html...
Warden's Fort
On Lost River there were two forts, one on the land now the residence of Jeremiah Inskeep, Esq. called Riddle's fort, where a man named...
Leaving Fort Cumberland - Finally
As your Honor gave me no particular directions concerning withdrawing the Troops from Fort Cumberland, or how they are to be employed &...
Fort Cumberland - the story behind the name
Next time you go to Fort Cumberland Maryland, know a story behind this name. Next time you go there, you'll remember the story where King...
Meet William Fairfax et al
William Fairfax holds quite a lot of stories. Two stories of his in particular read like modern life. First Story In 1743, his 15 year...