Clowser House discussed by Board of Supervisors
Clowser House Update.
Wednesday [May 11, 2016] Night 7pm at Board of Supervisors Frederick County at 107 N Kent Street in Winchester VA.
Note: all underlined items are a website, so you can click on them to learn more info.
More than 10 citizen comments requesting a delay of the demolition,
Only one citizen supported demolition because after 3 years the groups supporting the house have not accomplished any viable plan to make the house safe, much less staff it to be an attraction to historical tourists,
Gary Lofton the Supervisor representing the Back Creek District where this house is located offered a resolution to forward this to the Public Works Committee with no time frame, and no requirement this decision comes back to Board of Supervisors.
Blaine Dunn, a Board of Supervisor for Red Bud District appeared to be the most interested and motivated to save the Clowser House expressed worry he didnt want to be surprised that the Public Works Committee suddenly authorizes demolition without further Board of Supervisor input
Bob Hess, (Gainesboro Supervisor) offers an amendment requiring the Public Works Committee to report their views back to the Board of Supervisors, ensuring the Board of Supervisors have final say.
Gary Lofton and Gene Fisher Board Shawnee District Supervisor voted against that amendment. But they were the 2 lone dissenters. The original resolution with that amendment then got unanimous approval.
So the next step is to suss out the determinations of the Public Works Committee.What they will most likely discuss is safety and liability and cost. Nothing will be about the treasure chest of a story. Which is okay. This is the process. Then the Board of Supervisors will act on that recommendation.
We will be there for that.
My recommendation? That the Board stop being passive and wait on non profit organizations. We need the Board as an active partner to save the county's rural heritage --- you know --- one of those empty core values governments post on their websites :)
See the history on the Clowser House

May 12, 2016