How tall is George Washington?
According to George Washington himself, he says he is 6 feet 0 inches tall. He writes that in at least two letters -- in a letter of 26 April 1763 and in a letter of 2 June 1768. And in this year of 2024 covering 1760, we find On 28 Sept 1760 GW sent measurements, and would have to keep sending measurements since each time the clothes were too tight.
"As I have sent you my measure once or twice I presume you can be at no loss for want of one1 but I think you have generally sent my Cloaths too short & sometimes too tight for which Reason I think it necessary again to mention that I am full Six feet high which may be a good direction to you as to the length and as I am not at all inclind to be corpulent you might easily come at my size even if your measure of me shoud be lost—let the Breeches be made long."
"I shoud have Inclosed you my measure but in a general way they are so badly taken here that I am convinced it woud be of very little service; I woud have you therefore take measure of a Gentleman who wears well made Cloaths of the following size—to wit—Six feet high & proportionably made; if any thing rather Slender than thick for a Person of that highth with pretty long arms & thighs—You will take care to make the Breeches longer than those you sent me last,1 & I woud have you keep the measure of the Cloaths you now make by you and if any alteration is required, in my next it shall be pointed out."
Ron Chernow:
First page Chapter 3, page 37.
"It is commonly said that Washington stood six foot two or three, an estimate that gained currency after a doctor measured his corpse at six feet three and a half inches. Even though dozens of contemporaries pegged his height at only six feet, there is no need for any guesswork. Before the Revolutionary War, Washington ordered his clothes from London each year and had to describe his measurements with great accuracy. In a 1761 letter, he informed his remote tailor that “my stature is six feet, otherwise rather slender than corpulent,” and he never deviated from that formula.1 Obviously, Washington couldn’t afford to tell a fib about his height to his tailor. One can only surmise that when the doctor measured his cadaver, his toes were pointing outward, padding his height by several inches compared with his everyday stature."
Compiled by Jim Moyer 10/19/2024, updated 10/20/2024