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Lord Loudoun

Loudoun --- he is like St. George on the [tavern] signs, always on horseback, and never rides on."



"I have called here by order every morning these two weeks past for his lordship's letter, and it is not yet ready." says Innis to Ben Franklin.


Innis is a messenger from Gov of Pa.


"Is it possible, when he is so great a writer? for I see him constantly at his escritoire." says Ben Franklin.


"Yes," says Innis, "but he is like St. George on the signs, always on horseback, and never rides on."


Ben Franklin writes -

"This observation of the messenger was, it seems, well founded; for, when in England, I understood that Mr. Pitt[ gave it as one reason for removing this general, and sending Generals Amherst and Wolfe, that the minister never heard from him, and could not know what he was doing."


End quote.


And so we adorn a street and a county with his name.

There are 3 forts named after him.

A Fort Loudoun here in Winchester VA, one in PA, and one in what is now TN.



He was Governor of Virginia 1756 to 1759, while being named as Head of all the armies in North America.


But he never visited Virginia.


Lt Gov Dinwiddie did the Governor's work 1751 to 1758, First under another absentee Gov Keppel and then under our Lord Loudoun.


This is why you often see the confusing reference to Dinwiddie as Governor, but technically he was always Lt Gov.


Lord Loudoun arrived in NYC July 23, 1756.

He was fired by the Prime Minister Pitt in December 1757.


However Lord Loudoun went on to Portugal.

This was a world wide war.

Spain had joined France in the Seven Years War.


Lord Loudoun in 1762 was 2nd in command and lost Almeida to the Spanish but then the tide turned and the Spanish were pushed out of Portugal.


Lord Loudoun had become first in charge of the army in Portugal.


Portugal was also a safe haven for British spies all the way to WWII, a long time ally of England.





Quote on Loudoun in Ben Franklin's writings:



See 1757 when Loudoun County split off of Fairfax Co VA.



The defense of Portugal









by Jim Moyer 11/22/2020






















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