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Look to the Opposite Shore

Sunday Word. December 1675.


. A month of Sorrow. A month of recovering. A month of planning Revenge.

. January 1675 is when they attacked back.


From September to November they had to get away and resettle.


So now it is

December 1675

for the Susquehannok.


Now sorrow.


Then revenge for the wrong done them

in January 1675 .


This is not your usual picture of Mount Vernon.

. Next time

you go to Mount Vernon,

look to the opposite shore

of Maryland,

where the Picataway used to live,

where the Susquehannock had built a fort,

and who were put under seige

by George Washington's

Great Grandfather,

head of a VA militia

and by a Marylander militia. .

. September 1675 was the seige. . 4 weeks later,

an outrage.

The 6 Susquehannock Indian Chiefs

came out f

or a peace parley. .

. Who killed them?


Look here:


. Governor Berkeley said:

. If they had killed

my grandfather

and my grandmother,

my father and mother and all my friends,

yet if they had come

to treat of peace,

they ought to have

gone in peace,...



of Fort Susquehannock

is from this source:



Nickname Conotocaurius


Many historians say the nickname of Conotocaurius (various spellings) was not just given to George Washington but that the same nickname was given George Washington's Great Grandfather, John Washington.


In hunting for the source of this claim

we find a curious circular reference

of footnotes that leads to no

contemporary source

of those times of the Great Grandfather.


But because the Great Grandfather

was involved in a siege

you can see why

the the claim that the

Great grandfather is

callled Conotocaurius too.


For more on the sources

of the nickname Conotocaurius,

see this link:


For info on just the Great Grandfather,

John Washington, see link:



The Worldwide Map:


Play with this. You'll find it. . For cell phone, after touching icon, a side bar shows at bottom. Touch that. And then scroll thru. . Pull back on map also to see a wider area. It's worldwide. .

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