. There were 2 Gnadenhutten Massacres.
The 2nd one was in Ohio March 8, 1782 and is why you've seen this story in the newsfeed recently. . These 2 stories are an endless rabbit hole. Travel this whole warren? No one has completed the journey. .

. Winchester VA connection.
. William Crawford, A Winchester area resident, a lifelong surveyor friend of George Washington, paid for the 2nd one with his life burned at the stake June 1782 (even though he didn't participate in the massacre but his lieutenants did).
This was a year after Yorktown battle, a year before the treaty ending the Rev War.
This burning at the stake was a national headline at the time, and later he paid posthumously with his statue's head decapitated during the Charlottesville demonstrations of August 2017. Source for Picture - see link. . Groupthink from then to now, is the same as it ever was, same as it ever was. .
Gnadenhutten Meaning? means variously, Log Tabernacle, Tents of Grace. .
. Tabernacle means bibically a light tent or portable housing that the Israelites used to move out of Egypt in the Book of Exodus. Other groups have used that word Tabernacle symbolically. .
. And Grace? A special Christian meaning. .
. Dreams? They were Moravians and Indians who were massacred. A special connection between the two involved Dreams. There is a whole library of dreams discussed by the Indians and the Moravians. . Moravians and the Indian Great Awakening in Pennsylvania
. . Dreams based on Daniel
. . A History of the Moravian Mission Among the Indians on the White River in Indiana
. . Tribal Identity in the Moravian Missions on the Susquehanna.
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. Back to the 2 Gnadenhutten Massacres. .
. One in Pennsylvania, 1755, November 24. See story and map. .
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. . One in Ohio 1782, March 8. See story and map.
Laptop. Click or touch icon. Sidebar appears on left. Scroll through to see everything.
Mobile: Click or touch icon. Sidebar appears on bottom. Touch sidebar. Scroll through to see everything..\ .
. Our Winchester VA Area Resident?
. William Crawford. June 11, 1782
Burned at the stake for the 2nd Gnadenhutten Massacre, accused wrongly. But that's another story. He is a Lifelong surveyor friend of George Washington. . See his story: . .
Teddy Roosevelt
He called the event "a stain on the frontier character that time cannot wash away."
See quote - not sourced - here:
Tecumseh Speech
. And then on top of this story is the fake news of yesteryear reporting so many versions of this speech your head will spin: . In 1810, Tecumseh reminded future President William Henry Harrison, “You recall the time when the Jesus Indians of the Delawares lived near the Americans, and had confidence in their promises of friendship, and thought they were secure, yet the Americans murdered all the men, women, and children, even as they prayed to Jesus?” . Source: . . . Source document has different words. . Scroll down to see the text of this speech . , Different words in this one: .,_of_August_11,_1810,_To_Governer_William_Harrison . Different words . . . .