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Different looks to "Pittsburg" 8 Nov 1759

Instead of raising more troops to help Lyttelton's request for help in South Carolina against the Cherokee uprising, Virginia decided to just move the troops they have in "Pittsburg" to the southern borders of Virginia to protect against Cherokee raids. Fort Pitt was not a name used yet since its construction was still underway.

The Plan for the Virginia Regiment

as of Thursday 8 Nov 1759

4th Session of 7 sessions of an Assembly elected 24 July 1758

page 133, November 1, 1759 to of November 21, 1759


That the Regiment now in the Pay of this Colony be further continued in our Service until the first Day of May next.

The sunset date for the Virginia Regiment 1 May 1760.


That it is intended that Part of the Regiment now in the Pay of this Colony, at Pittsburg, shall be employed for the Protection of the Frontiers againft the Incursions of the Cherokee Indians ;

This means part of the Virginia Regiment soldiers stationed at Pittsburg would leave and head south to protect Virginia from Cherokee raids. Notice no Fort Pitt is yet being mentioned.

That the Forces raised last Session of Assembly, for the Defence of the Frontiers, ought not to be continued for any longer Time than the first Day of December next.

This means no forces last raised to defend Virginia's borders will continue past 1 Dec 1759.


That a Sum, not exceeding ; 10,000, be raised for defraying the Expences of the Regiment until the said first Day of May next.

4th Session of 7 sessions of the Assembly of 1758 to 1751 elected 24 July 1758

page 133, November 1, 1759 to of November 21, 1759

Upon a Motion made,

The House immediately resolved itself into a Committee to consider of Ways and Means for raising the Sum of £ 1o,ooo for defraying the Expence of the Regiment in the Service of this Colony till the first Day of May next,

. . .


That this House will again resolve itself into a Committee to consider further of Ways and Means for raising the said Money To-morrow.




Picture above from 1950s Marx toys playset of Fort Pitt


The first Fort Pitt after Trent's Fort and Fort Duqesne



Point State Park Concept developed by Frank Lloyd Wright, c. 1963. Allegheny Conference on Community Development Photographs, MSP 285, Detre Library & Archives at the History Center.

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