Dissolve Hampshire Co back into Frederick Co VA
Out of the blue we run into a motion in the Virginia House of Burgesses on 27 March 1759 to dissolve Hampshire County.
The motion to dissolve Hampshire Co back into its parent county, Frederick County, indicates no reason why.
Most meaningful motions get discussed and referenced repeatedy throughout the sesssion. But this motion? It was only brought to the floor of the House of Burgesses and was immediately voted down.
No details on who presented it. No details on why it was presented. The motion was never brought up again.
House of Burgesses Journal entry:
Tuesday, the 27th of March. 32 Geo. II. 1759.
(meaning 32nd year of King George II)
A Motion was made for Leave to bring in a Bill For dissolving the County of Hampshire, and re-uniting it to the County from whence it was taken; and the Question being put thereupon,
It passed in the Negative.
Origin of Hampshire County

In 1759 Hamphire County encompasses
and parts of Morgan Counties.
Hampshire County was originally created in 1753.
Wikipedia and the WV encyclopedia assert 1754 as the creation of Hampshire County.
It's close.
The proposal to divide Frederick County into two counties was made Wednesday, November 21st, 1753.
Also a Petition of the Justices of Frederick County, letting forth the many Inconveniences they, and the Inhabitants of the said County, labour under by Reason of the Extensiveness of the said County, and praying that the same may be divided from the Warm Springs along the Cape-Capon Mountains to the Augusta Line, and that Quarterly Courts may be held in the said County were severally presented to the House and read.
This proposal became law, Wednesday, December 19th, 1753.
The Governor commands the immediate Attendance oj this House in the Council-Chamber, and that you bring with you such Bills as are ready for his Assent.
Mr Speaker with the House went up accordingly, and the Governor was pleased to give his Assent to the following public and private Bills.
14. [14th in the list of bills passed by House of Burgesses, The Executive Council and the Governor] For adding Part of the County and Parifh of Augufta to the County and Parifh of Fred- erick, and for dividing the County and Parifh of Frederick, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties and Parifhes.
Functioning County Government?

Hampshire County did not have a functioning court system until 1757.
The first meeting of the Hampshire County Court
was held in 1757,
at Fort Pleasant, now Old Fields . . .
and was presided by the
Right Honorable Thomas Bryan Martin,
Lord Fairfax's nephew.
By that time, Hampshire County's population had fallen dramatically as most of the settlers had fled the county in fear of the Native Americans.
BTW this could be the reason why, because no sooner was Hampshire County created, then French and Indian attacks on the area caused great flight back to the Winchester area. So by 1758 there was hardly White settler in the county. But after the Forbes Expedition took the French Fort Duquesne, the Indians attacked less on their own. And so with that defeat of the French, the coast was clear for those who fled to come back and resume working their former abandoned homesteads.
There were no Burgesses elected to represent this new county until December 10, 1755.
Who were the Burgesses of Hampshire County?
Gabriel Jones is the famously profane Valley Lawyer whose portrait of a white bandage over his eye hung in the Winchester Frederick County Judical Center for years. And Thomas Walker was famous for being an explore, mapping out the Cumberland Gap and naming it long before Daniel Boone. Thomas Walker ran and won in two counties in this election, but he decided on keeping just his Hampshire Co seat. Thomas Walker also was challenged for cheating on supplies to the Virginia Regiment. See that story.
Story on Gabriel Jones:
Stories on Thomas Walker:

In the map above, the counties bounded by blue comprise Frederick County.
All of those counties were orginally Frederick County in 1738
Who were the Burgesses of Frederick County?
Hugh West and Thomas Swearingen.
You all know George Washingotn. But what about the guy that sat with him representing Frederick County. In some ways at that time he was the more powerful guy. He represented his uncle Lord Fairfax, collecting rents from an area bigger than a Connecticut, an area that was almost colony itself inside of Virginia. Thomas Bryan Martin and his uncle remained always loyal to the crown. No one bothered those two during the Revolution. In fact Adam Stephen who got courtmartialed for charges of drinking and friendly fire debacle at Germantown, created a town called Martinsburg, naming it after Thomas Bryan Martin, a passive loyality in 1777 in the heart of the Revolutionary War.
See Historical County boundaries here:

That's it for now.
That's our lead story.
Compiled and Authored by Jim Moyer 5/10/2023, updated 5/14/2023, last update 1255pm 5/14/23
We will be adding and updating to this story later.
Below are just excerpts taken from House of Burgesses Journal
Notes for Research
Wednesday, November 21st, 1753.
Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee, to take under their Confideration, the faid Petitions, To-morrow. M Several Petitions of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Augufta and Frederick, pray- ing that all that part of the County of Augufta which lies between the Line of the Right Honourable End of page
#166 (p.130) ( 13° ) Honourable the Lord Fairfax and the County of Frederick may be taken off from the County of Augufta and added to the County of Frederick. Alfo a Petition of the Juftices of Frederick County, letting forth the many Incon- veniences they, and the Inhabitants of the faid County, labour imder by Reafon of the Extenfivenefs of the faid County, and praying that the fame may be divided from the Warm Springs along the Cape-Capon Mountains to the Angujta Line, and that Quarterly Courts may be held in the faid County were severally prefented to the Houfe and read.
Friday, March 13th, 1752.
Alfo a Petition of Ralph Wormley, Gent, was prefented to the Houfe, and read, fetting forth. That in the Year 1750, feveral of his Negroes, at his Quarter in Frederick County, af fembled in a Rebellion againft their Overfeer ; that in attempting to take and difperfe them, one was killed, and praying an Allowance for him.

.#169 (p. 133) - 5 matching terms
...Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofition from the Counties of I fie of Wight and Southampton, for erecting Public Warehoufes for the In- fpedlion of Tobacco, at Fulgam's Point, oppofite to thofe in Smithfield, in the County of Ifle of Wight, is reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Frederick; and Augufta, for adding to the County of Frederick;, that Part of the County of Augufta, which lies between the Southern Line of Frederick; County, and the Line dividing the Territory of the Lord Fairfax, from the other Part of this Colony, are reafonable. 40 Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Propofitions from the Counties of Frederick; and Augufta, for dividing the County of Frederick;, and that Part of...
#170 (p. 134) - 3 matching terms
... ( 134 ) of the County of Atigufta, which lies between the Southern Line of Frederick; County, and the Line dividing the Territory of the Lord Fairfax, from the other Part of this Col- ony, in two Counties, by the Warm-Spring Mountain, and Great-North Mountain, are reafonable. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Proportions from the County of Frederick;, for appointing the Court of that County, to be held Quarterly, be rejedled. Ordered, That M' Fairfax do prepare and bring in a Bill purfuant to the third and fourth Refolutions. ...
...M"' Charles Carter from the Committee of Proportions and Grievances, reported, That the Committee had had under their Confideration the Petition of John Gordon Minifter of Frederick; Parifh, to them referred, praying that his Salary may be paid, as the Salaries of the other Clergymen in this Colony are paid ; or that inftead thereof, he may be paid ioo£. annually, and had come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows. ...
#171 (p. 135) - 2 matching terms
... ( 135 ) Monday^ November 2 6th, 1753. MR Fairfax prefented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill For adding Part of the County of Augiifta to the County of Frederick; and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties, and the fame were read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. ...
#181 (p. 145) - 3 matching terms
...Refolved, That this Houfe will refolve itfelf into a Committee upon the faid Bill, To- morrow. A Bill For adding Part of the County of Augufta to the County of Frederick; and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties ; was read the fecond Time, and committed to M' Charles Carter, and the Mem- bers of Frederick; County. ...
#188 (p. 152) - 4 matching terms
...MR Charles Carter, from the Committee of Propofitions and Grievances, pre- fented to the Houfe, according to Order, a Bill, For paying the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick;, in the County of Frederick;, lOO 1. annually, inftead, of the Salary now allowed, and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. AKo a Bill, For adding Part of the County of New-Kent, to the County of James-City, and Part of the Counties of James-City and Hanover, to the County of New-Kent; and the fame was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. M' Carter, aKo reported. That the Committee to whom the Bill, For adding Part of the County of Augufta to the County of Frederick; and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties, was committed, had made feveral Amendments thereto, which they had directed him to report to the Houfe, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered the Bill with the Amendments, in at the Table, where the Amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe. ...
#191 (p. 155) - 2 matching terms
...Ordered, That the Report of the Committee of Claims, referred to be confidered of this Day, be but off till To-morrow. An ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad for adding Part of the County of Augufta to the County of Frederick; and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties ; was read the third Time. Refolved, That the Bill do pafs. ...
#196 (p. 160) - 2 matching terms
...A Meffage from the Council, by M"' Walthoe. That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for adding Part of the County of Augufta to the County of Frederick; and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties ; with fome Amendments to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. ...
#197 (p. 161) - 2 matching terms
...A Bill, To enable the Veftry of the Parifh of Blifland, in the Counties of James City and New-Kent, to fell a Plantation and two hundred Acres of Land, in the faid Parish, and to buy Communion Plate and Ornaments for the lower Church in that Parifh, with the Pur- chafe Money, was read the firft Time, and ordered to be read a fecond Time. A Bill, For paying the Minifter of the Parifh of Frederick;, in the County of Frederick;, one hundred pounds annually, inftead of the Salary now allowed, was read a fecond Time, and an Amendment made to the Title of the Bill. ...
#198 (p. 162) - 2 matching terms
...Ordered, That M' Fry do carry the Book of Claims to the Coimcil for their Concur- rence, and that he do wait on the Governor and defire his Affent thereto. An ingroffed Bill, intituled. An Ad for paying the Minifters of the Parifh of Frederick;, in the County of Frederick;, and of Augufta, in the County of Augufta, one hundred Pounds annually, inftead of the Salaries now allowed, was read the third Time. ...
#200 (p. 164) - 2 matching terms
...The Houfe proceeded to the Confideration of the Amendments propofed by the Coun- cil to the Bill, intituled. An Ad for adding Part of the County of Augufta, to the County of Frederick;, and for dividing the County of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta, to be added thereto, into two Counties, and the fame were read, and agreed to with feme Amend- ments. ...
#201 (p. 165) - 4 matching terms
... ( i65 ) That they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for adding Part of the County of Augufta to the County of Frederick;, and for dividing the County of Frederick;, atid Part of Augufta to he added thereto, into two Counties; with the Amendments as agreed to by this Houfe. And that they have agreed to the Bill, intituled, An Ad for paying the Minifters of the Parifhes of Frederick;, in the County of Frederick;, and of Augiafta, in the County of Augufta, one hundred Pounds annually, inftead of the Salaries now allowed, with fome Amendments, to which they defire the Concurrence of this Houfe. ...
#203 (p. 167) - 1 matching term
...Ordered, That an Addrefs be made to the Governor to Order a new Writ to iffue for eledling a Burgefs to ferve in this prefent General Affembly for the County of Frederick;, in the Room of M' Gabriel Jones, who hath accepted the Office of Coroner of the faid County ; and that M' Fairfax do wait on him with the faid Addrefs. ...
#206 (p. 170) - 3 matching terms
...For continuing the Ad, intitided, an Ad for reviving the Duty upon Slaves, for the Term therein mentioned. 5. For further continuing certain Ads of Affembly therein mentioned. 6. For paying the Minifters of the Parifhes of Frederick;, in the County of Frederick;, and of Augufta, in the County of Augufta, and of Hampfhire, in the County of Hampfhire, one hundred Pounds annually, inftead of the Salaries now allowed. 7. ...
...For appointing feveral new Ferries. 14. For adding Part of the County and Parifh of Augufta to the County and Parifh of Fred- erick, and for dividing the County and Parifh of Frederick;, and the Part of Augufta to be added thereto, into two Counties and Parifhes. Ij. For dividing the County of Amelia. 16. For dividing the County of Lunenburg, and Parifh of Cumberland. 77. ...
#282 (p. 246) - 1 matching term
...Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of William 21 Tyler, praying that a Ferry may be eftablifhed from his Land, in the County of Weft- moreland, to the Province of Maryland, be rejedled. Refolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That the Petition of the Inhab- itants of the County of Frederick;, praying that a Ferry may be eftabliflied from the Land of Thomas Swearingen, in the faid County, acrofs the River Patowmack, to his Land in the Province of Maryland, oppofite thereto, is reafonable. ...
#290 (p. 254) - 1 matching term
...It paffed in the Negative. Refolved, That the faid Bill be rejeded. A Meffage from the Council by M' Walthoe ; "That a Petition of the Juftices of Frederick; County, diredled to the Governor, Council and Houfe of Burgeffes, had been read in Cotmcil, and was by them referred to the Conlideration of this Houfe, and the faid Petition was read, fetting forth. ...
#328 (p. 292) - 1 matching term
...A written Meffage from the Governor was delivered by M"' Waltkoe ; Mr, Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Bitrgeffes, " In Anfwer to your Addrefs of Yefterday, it was determined at the Congrefs at Alex- andria, if the General fucceeded in taking the Fort, the Charges of Artillery, for garrifon- ing it with the Provifions and all other Expences were to be paid by the Governments of Pennfylvania, Maryland, and this Dominion; and I am fully of Opinion there can be no more demanded from this Colony than their Quota of all fuch Charges. I have fent an Exprefs fome Time fmce to Lord Fairfax and M' Martin to raife two Companies of Rangers in Frederick; and Hampfhire, where I think there is the greateft Danger from thefe barbarous Murderers ; and I fhall give Col. Patton Orders to raife an- si other Company in Augufta where Captain Lewis now is, with Fifty Men of our Forces. ...
#410 (p. 374) - 3 matching terms
...That the Committee to whom the Claims of the Militia ordered out for the Protecftion of the Frontiers was recommitted, had again had the fame under their Confideration and come to feveral Refolutions thereupon, wliich he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where they were again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe with fome Amendments as follow. Refolved, That the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax, County-Lieutenant of Frederick;, purfuant to Orders by him received from the Governor, fent to the command- ing Officer of the Militia of Fairfax, for Part of the Militia of the faid County to be fent to the Af fif tance of the Counties of Frederick; and Hampfhire ; that at a Meeting of the Mili- tia Officers of the faid County of Fairfax on the loth Day of Odober, 1755, it was ordered that Six private Men be drafted from each Troop and Company in the faid County, and formed into one Company under the Command of Captain Lemis Ellzey, Lieutenant Santpfon Turley, and Enfign Edward Payne, to march to Winchefter as foon as poffible, there to receive orders from the Commander in Chief, and that the faid Company fhould be relieved in One Month upon giving Ten Days Notice ; that according to the faid Order the MiUtia of the faid County of Fairfax were drafted and marched to Winchefter, and from thence fent Notice to the Officers of Fairfax of their Defire to be relieved at the End of the faid Month ; that the faid Officers expe(5ting the Virginia Regiment would be compleated, and the further Sendee of the Militia rendered unneceffary, delayed to hold a Council imtil the loth Day of November following, when fuch Council was held, and it was ordered that fix other Men from each Troop and Company fhould be drafted to relieve Captain Ellzey's Company, that an Exprefs fhould be fent to him to inform him thereof, and that his Company fhould remain in the Service till fuch Relief ; that the faid Captain Ellzey, with his faid Company marched from Winchefter to the Coimty of Hampfhire, and were there ftationed by Thomas Bryan Martin, Efq; Coimty-Lieutenant of Hampfhire, and George William Fairfax, Colonel of Frederick;, with Orders to remain there till further Orders from their commanding Officers; that the following Perfons Part of the faid Company, viz. ...
#416 (p. 380) - 1 matching term
...It appears to us, that the faid John Allen, by the Governor's Diredlion, accompanied Capt. Paris to the Cherokee Nation ; That he bought a Horfe here, and brought him to Fort Frederick;, where he left him, when he went on the Expedition againft the Shawnefe, and could not find him on his Return ; That at the Time the Canoe overfet, in which he was with Capt. ...
#417 (p. 381) - 1 matching term
...Ordered, That the faid Petition be referr'd to the Committee of Privileges and Elec- tions ; that they do examine into the Allegations thereof, and report the fame, with their Opinion thereupon, to the Houfe, M' Cary reported, that the Perfons to whom the Petition of Richard Paris was referred, had examined into the fame, and agreed upon a Report, and come to a Refolution thereupon, which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table, where it was again twice read, and agreed to by the Houfe, as follows: It appears to us, that the faid Paris was fent by the Go\emor to the Cherokee Nation, to endeavour to bring fome of their Warriors to our Affiftance ; that he had been a Trader there four or five Years, and had due to him, from the Indians, a large quantity of Deer-Leather ; that the Carolina Traders fpirited up the Indians againft him, and pur- fuaded them to kill him ; fuggefting he only wanted to fecure his own Debts, andu pon this he freely forgave them all they owed, to convince them that he was fent by this Government ; and in Confequence thereof, eighty odd of them immediately came with him to Fort Frederick;, and joined in the Expedition intended againft the Shawnefe. Refolved, That the faid Richard Paris be allowed the Sum of ;£.ioo towards reira- burfmg his Lofs. ...