Enlarging Winchester VA in 1759
As we scour the events of 1759 in this year of 2023, we come across Lord Fairfax's petition to enlarge Winchester VA. That petition is read for a 2nd time on 7 March 1759 after first being presented 28 Feb 1759. It gets ratified by the House of Burgesses 6 April 1759. That bill is not yet a law. It becomes law when it is finally agreed to by the Governor and his Executive Council 14 April 1759.
Rivalry on Enlarging Winchester
Garland R Quarles writes, "There was apparently some rivalry between Colonel Wood and Lord Fairfax, as to which could secure the earliest approval of his additon to the town.
In a letter to George William Fairfax, dated 10 Sept 1758, Lord Fairfax says: "Mr Baylis has very much disappointed us in not sending down a petition for the addition to Winchester, which as Mr Wood is doing may occassion some confusion. Hollingsworth is likewise desirous of doing the same thing, as also Mr Cochrane." The Mr Baylis mentioned here was John Baylis, a surveyor who drew the plat for the 1752 plan of the town. The Mr Hollingsworth was Isaac Hollingsworth, who owned land southeast of the 1752 out-lots. See source.
Of those names mentioned John Baylis was was quite a colorful character. He was a surveyor of Winchester. On 15 Sept 1757 we learned that, Lt Charles Smith, who supervised building Fort Loudoun, killed a man with one punch. Now we learn of the man, John Baylis, who surveyed the first major addition to Winchester VA in 1752 since its founding in 1744 was killed in a duel in 1765. But before he died in that duel, he awaits a duel on 29 Dec 1757. See a full story on John Bayliss here. That planned duel in 1757? It's about some men trash talking Lord Fairfax. John Baylis is going to defend His Honor's honor.
Did Washington help?
Meaning -- did he help on the bill to enlarge Winchester?
George Washington was the representative for Frederick County in the House of Burgesses. At that time the town of Winchester was not separate from Frederick County as it is today. Ron Chernow writes, "Washington was assigned to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, which dealt with commercial and governmental matters." See source.
[meaning 32nd year of the reign of King George II ]
Ordered, That the said Petitions do lye on the Table. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; was committed, be discharged from proceeding on their Amendments to the said Bill, and the same is committed to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances.
George Washington is on that committee.
He does ask on 2 April 1759 to be excused for the rest of the session, because Mount Vernon was all spruced up for the Misses to see.
By that date, the bill for enlarging Winchester is well assured of passing. He was living with Martha at her estate in New Kent County. Her estate was called the White House. They also stayed in Williamsburg during this time.
Date Conflicts
Garland R Quarles writes, "On March 7, 1759, the Virginia House of Burgesses received a bill for enlarging the town of Winchester at the request of Lord Fairfax. The bill was passed April 6, 1759." See source.
Technically Lord Fairfax presents the petition to enlarge Winchester 28 Feb 1759 and the bill is read for the third time and passed by the House of Burgesses on April 6, 1759, but intituled as an Act April 10, 1759, and is then ratified by the Governor and the Executive Council as a law April 14, 1759.
See Chronology of those dates below.
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Compiled and authored by Jim Moyer 3/25/2023, posted on Sunday Facebook page 3/26/2023, 3/28/2023
Table of Contents
1759 Lord Fairfax Addition
See Chronology below.
Wednesday, the 28th of February, 32 Geo. II, 1759
[meaning 32nd year of the reign of King George II ]

A Petition
of the Right Honorable
Thomas, Lord Fairfax, fetting forth,
That lie has lately laid off 173 Lots,
adjoining the Town of Winchester;
in the County of Frederick,
most of which are already disposed of,
and built upon,
and praying that an Act may pass
for adding them to the said Town,
was presented to the House and read
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
See same text above on the 2nd paragraph below:
Wednesday, the 7th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Mr Nicholas, from the Committee appointed, presented to the House, according to Order a Bill For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; and the same was read the first Time, and ordered to be read a second Time.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759

Friday, the 9th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
A Bill For enlarging the Towns of Frederickfburg and Winchefter;, was read a fecond Time,
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Wednesday, the 14th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Ordered, That it be an Inftru(5lion to the Committee to whom the Bill For enlarging the Towns of Frederick fbnrg and Winchefter;, is committed, that they receive a Claufe, or Claufes, purfuant to the fifth Refolution.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Here's both halves
of the 1759 Lord Fairfax 1759 Addition to Winchester VA

Did Washington help?
Tuesday, the 20th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Ordered, That the said Petitions do lye on the Table. Upon a Motion made. Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; was committed, be discharged from proceeding on their Amendments to the said Bill, and the same is committed to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances.
George Washington is on that committee.
Ron Chernow writes, "Washington was assigned to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, which dealt with commercial and governmental matters." See source.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759

Wednesday, the 28th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Mr Carter also reported, That the said Committee had made several Amendments to the Bill For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; to them committed, which he read in his Place, and then delivered the Bill, with the Amendments, in at the Table, where they were again read
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Wednesday, the 28th of March, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Mr Charles Carter reported, That the Committee of Propoiitions and Grievances, to whom tlic Bill For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; was committed, had made several Amendments thereto, which he read in his Place, and then delivered the bill, with Amendments, in at the Table, where the amendments were again twice read, and agreed to by the House.

Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be engrossed, and read a third Time. 81 M' Carter also, from the said Committee, presented to the House, according to Order, a Bill, For establishing several Towns therein mentioned, and the same was read the first Time, and ordered to be read a second Time.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Washington leaves the session
Monday, the 2nd of April, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Ordered, That Mr Washington; have Leave to be absent from the Service of this House for the Remainder of this Session.
The bill appears to be for sure now.
April 2 is when George Washington requests leave from House of Burgesses.
His Mt Vernon is now all fixed up.
For the first time he can now take his wife and her children who he adopts to Mt Vernon.
During this session they were either in town in Williamsburg or at his wife's New Kent estate called the White House.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759

Friday, the 6th of April, 32 Geo. II, 1759
AN engrossed Bill, intituled, An Act for enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester, the City of Williamsburg, and the Town of Dumfries, was read the third Time.
Resolved, That the Bill do pass.
Ordered, That Mr Charles Carter do carry up the said Bill to the Council for their Concurrence.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Tuesday, the 10th of April, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Also to the Bill inituled, An Act for enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester;, the City of Williamsburg, and Town of Dumfries.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Law is ratified by Governor and the Council 14 April 1759.
They both ratified a bill already passed by the House of Burgesses 6 April 1759.
Saturday, the 14th of April, 32 Geo. II, 1759
Ordered, That Mr Digges do carry up the enrolled Bills to the Council for their Inspecflion.
A Message from the Council by Mr Walthoe.
That they have inspectd the enrolled Bills, and are satisfied they are truly enrolled.
A Message from the Governor by M' Walthoe.
M" Speaker,
The Governor commands the immediate attendance of this House in the Council Chamber, and that you bring with yon such other Bills and Resolves as are ready for his Assent.
Mr Speaker, with the House, went up accordingly ; and the Governor was pleased to give his Assent to the following Bills, * viz.
One of those bill was this one:
Law 28.
For enlarging the Towns of Fredericksburg and Winchester; the City of Williamsburg, and Town of Dumfries.
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
See Hening VII, 251 ff.
See Page 48 of Garland R. Quarles, author of “George Washington and Winchester VA 1748-1758, A Decade of Preparation for Responsibilities to Come,” 1974, published by Winchester Frederick County Historical Society.
House of Burgesses Journals
3rd Session
page 55, February 22, 1759, to April 14, 1759
Ron Chernow
writes, "Washington was assigned to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, which dealt with commercial and governmental matters."
Ron Chernow's Chapter "The Man of Mode,' from his book "Washington: A Life." published 2010, page 99
Committee of Propositions and Grievances
Friday the 23rd of February 32 Geor 1759
the date the committees were assigned.
Ordered, That a Committee of Propofitions and Grievances be appointed of the fol- lowing Perfons, viz.
Washington was in the list of Burgesses assigned to this committee
And they are to meet and adjourn from Day to Day, and to examine, in the farft Place, all Returns of Writs for eledling Burgeffes to ferve in this prefent General Affem- bly, and to compare the fame with the Form prefcribed by Law ; and to take into their Confideration all fuch Matters as fhall or may come in Queftion touching Returns, Elec- tions, and Privileges, and to report their Proceedings, with their Opinions thereupon, from Time to Time, to the Houfe ; And the faid Committee is to ha^'e Power to fend for Perfons, Papers, and Records for their Information.
#83 (p.57)
Ordered, That M'' John Palmer be continued Clerk to the Committee of Privileges and Eledlions and Propofitions and Grievances
#84 (p.58)
The White House in New Kent County VA
James Wood
James Wood founded the town of Winchester in 1744, which then was referred to as Frederick Towne or Opeckon on the old maps. He then got the town officially named as Winchester in 1752. See story of James Wood's participation in an Orange Co VA election of 1741. See if James Wood was with Braddock in 1755.See why James Wood named some of the streets after the heroes reducing Fortress Lousibourg in 1758. This is about the senior James Wood, founder of Winchester VA (born 1707 ?- died 6 Nov 1759) and NOT his son of the same name who later became Governor of Virginia. James Wood was appointed the first Clerk of Court November 14, 1743 of Frederick County, which had been created in 1738 out of Orange County. He had already been appointed as Surveyor of Orange County 1734 and petitioned for a road in Orange County working with Abraham Hollingsworth (of the same Abram's Delight, possibly the oldest existing home in Winchester VA). Ctrl F to find James Wood in the link regarding James Wood's petition for a road in working with Abraham Hollingsworth. James Wood is also credited for designing both Richmond 1737 and Winchester Virginia 1744, chartered 1752.
was was quite a colorful character. He was a surveyor of Winchester, On 15 Sept 1757 we learned that, Lt Charles Smith, who supervised building Fort Loudoun, killed a man with one punch. Now we learn of the man, John Baylis, who surveyed the first major addition to Winchester VA in 1752 since its founding in 1744 was killed in a duel in 1765. But before he died in that duel, he awaits a duel on 29 Dec 1757. See a full story on John Bayliss here. That story contains some bad feelings John Baylis had towards Lord Fairfax.
Isaac Hollingsworth
His father is William Fairfax. More on his father, William Fairfax.
The White House
in New Kent County VA
Site of Wedding
On Jan. 6, 1759, George Washington was married to Martha Dandridge Custis [Martha's house called the White House] by Rev. David Mossom, rector of Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church, New Kent County, Virginia. The White House no longer survives. it's remains can be seen by satelite. See Sources.
Washington: A Life is a biography of George Washington, the firstpresident of the United States, written by American historian and biographer Ron Chernow and published in 2010, page 97.
Martha's home, The White House
Rev David Mossom married them
The Church near Martha's home
Look through the years
to see boundaries
of New Kenty County Virginia
1758 James Wood Addition

Thursday, the 21st of September, 32 Geo. II, 1758
[meaning 32nd year of the reign of King George II ]
A Petition of James Wood praying, That an Act may pass for enlarging the Town of Winchefter by adding 156 Lots already laid off adjoining thereto, was prefented to the Houfe and read.
1st Session
page 3, September 14, 1758, to October 12, 1758
.Friday, the 6th of October, 32 Geo. II, 1758
[meaning 32nd year of the reign of King George II ]
.An ingroffed Bill, intituled, An Ad for ereding a Town on the land of I^wis Stephens, in the County of Frederick, for enlarging the Town of Winchefter, and for ereding a Town on the Lands of Nicholas Minor, in the County of Loudoun, was read a third Time, and the Blanks therein filled up.
.1st Session
page 3, September 14, 1758, to October 12, 1758
Thursday , the 12th of October, 32 Geo. II, 1758
Law 3. For erecting a Town on the Land of Lewis Stepheyis, in the County of Frederick, for enlarging the Town of Winchefter;, and for ereding a Town on the Lands of Nicholas Minor, in the County of Loudoun.
1st Session
page 3, September 14, 1758, to October 12, 1758