Fort Loudoun needs finishing 1 Nov 1759
Lord Francis Fauquier speaks to the House of Burgesses to complete Fort Loudoun. Eleven months after Colonel George Washington resigns from the Virginia Regiment. But this world wide war is still going on. Building of the huge Fort at "Pittsburg" is still going on. Another regional war against our allied Cherokee appears to be arising.
So Fort Loudoun is still needed.
Lt Gov Francis Fauquire requests funds to finish building Fort Loudoun in this 4th Session of the House of Burgesses page 133, Thursday, November 1, 1759.

There is one other Article of Expence I cannot help recommending to you, which is, the finishing and completing Fort Loudoun.
The Sums already spent
in erecting that Fortress
will be entirely thrown away,
as the Fort must fall to Ruins,
if the Works are not preferred from the Damages of the Seasons, by being properly finished.
If you consider the Importance of this Post,
either as a Magazine,
or as a Depository of Indian Goods,
or as a Protecton from those People,
if they should again dare to molest us:
If you could see the Forwardness it is in,
and the little there is wanting to complete it,
I am confident
you would unanimously concur with me in the Usefulness of what I recommend to you.
This 4th session lasts only to 21 Nov 1759. This is the 4th session of 7 sessions spanning 1758 to 1761 of this Assembly which was elected 24 July 1758.
But alas, this request is never even addressed.
Compiled by Jim Moyer 10/8/23, 10/31/2023, 11/1/23