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Hugh Mercer related to George Mercer?

Is Hugh Mercer related to George Mercer? And what were those two doing in 1759?

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So is Hugh Mercer related to George Mercer?

Often asked. Here's the scoop.

They're not related.

Hugh Mercer was born in 1726 in Scotland. George Mercer was born in 1733 in Virginia. George Mercer's father John Mercer moved to Virginia in 1720.

John Mercer had maybe the biggest library in Virgina after Byrd's. The George Mason University's library is named the Mercer Library. John Mercer had become the guardian of George Mason when George Mason's Dad died in a drowning accident.

General George Patton and Johnny Mercer, the singer who cofounded Capitol Records which had a production plant here in Winchester VA, are related to Hugh Mercer.

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Now for the confusion. Our Captain George Mercer later becomes a Lieutenant Colonel under Colonel William Byrd III in the 2nd Virginia Regiment in the Forbes Expedition. At the same time Hugh Mercer was also a Lieutenant Colonel for Pennsylvania in the Forbes Expedition.

In fact many websites a couple of years ago thought Hugh Mercer was in a Friendly Fire fight with Colonel George Washington, but it was really George Mercer.

And Hugh Mercer did move to Fredericksburg Virginia, some time in 1761 after the Forbes Expediton and after fullfilling a role as commander of Fort Pitt. After running an Apothecary in Fredericksburg, he buys Ferry Farm in 1768, after George Washington's mother moves out of Ferry Farm.

What were these two doing in 1759?

Hugh Mercer was put in charge of the encampment at Pittsburgh in Dec 1759. He originally built small. The town was named first by Forbes on 1 Dec 1759. The big fort version of Fort Pitt came later and was named later. Hugh Mercer was still in charge of "Pittsburg" in August while working on building the fort. News of the burning of “Venango LeBeuff & Priscile” reached Pittsburgh by 12 Aug. (Hugh Mercer to Stanwix, 15 Aug. 1759, in Stevens, Bouquet Papers, 3:568), from Founders Online footnote 7.

while George Mercer helped supply Alexander Finnie refurbish the Braddock Road in August 1759. Finnie started 4 Aug 1759 and finished 20 Aug 1759 while also bringing wagons and supplies to "Pittsburg."

The Famous Picture of Hugh Mercer dying:

Interesting info on Hugh Mercer and Joseph Warren in that both their deaths were highly publicized in paintings. And after those paintings became public, many counties and towns were named after these men in the 1820s and 1830s. The Death of General [Hugh] Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777 by John Trumbull. George Washington is the figure on the horse:

Highlights on George Mercer

George Mercer was aid de camp to Colonel George Washington during the French and Indian War. He was Captain of one of the companies of the 1st Virginia Regiment who built Fort Loudoun Winchester VA. His father was George Washington's lawyer and fellow member of the Ohio Company. His father also had maybe the biggest library after Byrd III in Virginia. George Mercer's brother was also a Captain who was killed in the Battle of the Great Cacacapon. George Mercer later became Lt Colonel under Byrd III of the 2nd Virginia Regiment. George Mercer and GW had a horrible friend fire incident in the Forbes Expedition. George Mercer had aspirations to become Governor of Vandalia, a new colony planned. His effigy was burned when he was appointed a Stamp Collector.

That's it.

That's our lead story.

Compiled and authored by Jim Moyer 12 May 2016, updated 4/26/2023, 8/13/2023, updated 209pm 8/13/23, 8/14/2023


Sources for further research:

Timeline on George Mercer


George Mercer was aid de camp to Colonel George Washington during the French and Indian War. He was Captain of one of the companies of the 1st Virginia Regiment who built Fort Loudoun Winchester VA. His father was George Washington's lawyer and fellow member of the Ohio Company. His father also had maybe the biggest library after Byrd III in Virginia. George Mercer's brother was also a Captain who was killed in the Battle of the Great Cacacapon. George Mercer later became Lt Colonel under Byrd III of the 2nd Virginia Regiment. George Mercer and GW had a horrible friend fire incident in the Forbes Expedition. George Mercer had aspirations to become Governor of Vandalia, a new colony planned. His effigy was burned when he was appointed a Stamp Collector.

Here are some stories of George Mercer:

VA encyclopedia on Hugh Mercer




































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