It passed in the Negative
Thursday, the 21st of September, 32 Geo. II. 1758
[32nd year of King George II in power]
Read this petition. If true, it sure did pass in the negative.

A Petition of John Windell Brown, setting forth, That he was formerly an Inhabitant on the River Monongahela, possessed of a competent Estate for the Support of his Family, which consisted of a Wife and five Children, from whence he was obliged to fly on the first Approaches of the Enemy, and in the Engagement between Colonel Washington and the Enemy at the Great Meadows, he lost his all : That he then petitioned a former Session for Relief, but was refused any.
That he afterwards by the Assistance of some charitable People again settled with his Family on the South Branch, from whence in April, 1756, he with his eldest Daughter (now a Prisoner in Canada) were carried away Captives by the Indians to Fort Du Quesne, where he suffered very severely from the Cruelties of the Indians. From thence he was sent to Quebec, and some Time after with other Prisoners to England, from whence he is lately returned.
That he has suffered extream Hardships, and is now destitute of every Thing, and is through old Age and the Severities he has undergone, rendered incapable of procuring a Livelihood,
and praying the Consideration of this House, was presented to the House and read, and the Question being put, that the said Petition be referred to Committee,
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That the said Petition be rejected.
Compiled by Jim Moyer in March 2023, post 4 April 2023, but post dated it for 21 Sept 2022 since we covered 1758 in the year 2022