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Leicester St Winchester VA

Say it.

Lee- Sester.


That's how you say it.


Now why that name?


This is a big name in London.

Many of the streets named in the 1759 addition to Winchester by Lord Fairfax are named after London streets.


But this Leicester? This name is big. Any Englishman, including Lord Fairfax knew about the Leicester House.




This is the house that held the opposition government.


For years. For decades it seemed. For as long as anyone living could remember.


The first opposition was run by King George II against his father King George I.


The 2nd opposition was run by Frederick (Frederick Co VA is named for him) against his father King George II.


But then Frederick died in 1751 leaving his son, the future King George III next in line.


The 3rd opposition was run by Frederick's wife Augusta (Augusta Co VA named after her) who was custodian over her son, the future King George III.


By the way Orange County split off its first two counties in 1738, Frederick and Augusta named for the above couple.


See a story about out Frederick.

His father and mother hated him.







Leicester House


Leicester House Faction


Virginia Counties - a map of their years of creation



Bill to expand Winchester by Lord Fairfax is submitted to House:

This session of the House of Burgesses opened February 22, 1759.

February 28, 1759


A Petition of the Right Honorable Thomas, Lord Fairfax, setting forth, That he has lately laid off 173 Lots, adjoining the Town of Winchester; in the County of Frederick, most of which are already disposed of, and built upon, and praying that an Act: may pass for adding them to the said Town, was presented to the House and read.





Source of Map:

Garland Quarles detailed a good chronology of Winchester’s origins in 1952, “Streets of Winchester,” later re-published by the Winchester Frederick County Historical Society in a 1996 book, titled, “Winchester Virginia, Streets, Churches, Schools,” pages 48-51.





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