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Reduce to 10 companies

GW explained to Dinwiddie on 10 July 1757 that he could not make the June return of the Virginia Regiment because he had not yet got the returns from the detached posts. Nevertheless, the delayed return for June 1757 (DLC:GW) enclosed in this letter of 3 Aug 1757 is a report made as of 1 July 1757.

It lists twelve companies of the regiment in Virginia, although in June GW completed the reduction of the Virginia companies to eight (two more were in South Carolina) as Dinwiddie had instructed on 16 May 1757.


GW picked them

The four captains "reduced," meaning those who were stripped of their companies and jobs were William Peachey, Thomas Cocke, Christopher Gist, and William Bronaugh

Dinwiddie wrote on 13 August 1757 to GW that, "The Capts. were fix’d by me on yr Recommendation, as I was a Stranger to the Merit of any of them."

But this Founders Online footnote 3 to that above quote, gives the impression Dinwiddie decided on them: Dinwiddie gave GW the names of the captains to be retained in the Virginia Regiment when he ordered the reduction of companies on 16 May 1757.

The four captains who served in June but left before the end of the month or in early July were William Peachey, Thomas Cocke, Christopher Gist, and William Bronaugh.

Peachey Wonders who picked

Months later, William Peachey catches on that it may not have been Dinwiddie making that decision. It might have been Washington. Peachey in a very classic "passive-agressive" letter writes on 14 November 1757 GW:

I was going to conclude, but I can’t help giving yo. a piece of conversation that pass’d not long since between the Governr [Lt Gov Dinwiddie] and my Bror the Clerk of Amelia, says his Honr [Lt Gov Dinwiddie] “Well Master Peachey how does your Bror the Captn do? I do assure yo. Mastr Peachey I am very sorry he is reduced, for I understand he was a very usefull Man, but it was not my Fault, I assure you I coud not help it, for it came in Turn” and all this he said without the Things being mention’d or even Thought of by my Brother—Now what do you think of this?

Founders online footnote says his brothers are Peachey’s brothers were Samuel Peachey (1732–1795), Thomas Griffin Peachey (later Peachy; 1734–1810), and LeRoy Peachey (b. 1736). Thomas Griffin Peachey became clerk of Amelia County in 1757 and held that office until 1791.

The 8 remaining

The other eight companies were commanded by GW, Thomas Waggener, Robert Stewart, Joshua Lewis, Henry Woodward, Robert Spotswood, Robert McKenzie, and Peter Hog.

The Captain George Mercer company and the Lt Col Adam Stephen company were sent to Charleston SC.

By the time the returns were made Peter Hog had been relieved of his command and his company had been assigned to Maj. Andrew Lewis. The total rank and file returned was 412 men, 354 of them certified as fit.


Researched in 2016, compiled in in 2017 by Jim Moyer, updated 11/22/23


Working Notes

Will reorganize for better reading


9. GW explained to Dinwiddie on 10 July that he could not make the June return of the Virginia Regiment because he had not yet got the returns from the detached posts. Nevertheless, the delayed return for June (DLC:GW) enclosed in this letter of 3 Aug. is a report made as of 1 July. It lists twelve companies of the regiment in Virginia, although in June GW completed the reduction of the Virginia companies to eight (two more were in South Carolina) as Dinwiddie had instructed on 16 May 1757.

The four captains who served in June but left before the end of the month or in early July were William Peachey, Thomas Cocke, Christopher Gist, and William Bronaugh. The other eight companies were commanded by GW, Thomas Waggener, Robert Stewart, Joshua Lewis, Henry Woodward, Robert Spotswood, Robert McKenzie, and Peter Hog. By the time the returns were made Peter Hog had been relieved of his command and his company had been assigned to Maj. Andrew Lewis. The total rank and file returned was 412 men, 354 of them certified as fit.

10. GW sent Robert McKenzie’s letter, which has not been found, to Col. John Stanwix on 30 July 1757.



3. Dinwiddie gave GW the names of the captains to be retained in the Virginia Regiment when he ordered the reduction of companies on 16 May 1757.

4. It is “You may” in Hamilton’s version. 5. Hamilton’s version is “without doing any Service.”









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