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Sounds like arguments about China today?

So war threatened shutting down a trade of 50,000 deerskins a year just in Charleston SC alone. And full out war is coming. August 1759 was a month of Indian payback raids to right a past wrong. This was going to eventually affect involvement from the Virginia Regiment and men who had garrisoned Fort Winchester VA. An embargo was imposed on 14 Aug 1759 by South Carolina on blackpowder and muskets as penalty. But what reopened trade? More war?




Does this sound familiar about arguments over China? .


Round O of Stecoe, A Cherokee leader, asserted his support for the English.


He came to reprimand a group of Cherokee agreeing with French supported Creek leader Mortar to start a war on the English with Creek support. .


Round O says,

"had they found a mountain of powder?

Had their women learned to make clothes and their men to make knives? Hatchets?

.. . where was their store? He would like to come and deal with them if perhaps the southern Indians [the Mortar's gang, some of whom were present] can supply you." .


(Source is Page 174 of The Cherokee Frontier, Conflict and Survival 1740-1762, by David H Corkran, published by the University of Oklahoma Press 1962).

Compiled by Jim Moyer 8/27/2023

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The Cherokee killed more deer than they needed to get those items. They didn't make clothes much anymore. They didn't make pottery, or hatchets or knives either. They had to supply deerskins to get them. . .

The Cherokee killed more deer than they needed to get those items. 50,000 deerskins a year was the Charleston SC business. But they needed muskets and blackpowder first. It was less efficient to make bows and arrows. Even the western indians wanted those guns. And how did they get those items? They were given credit. And who gave them credit? The White traders living in the Indian villages. And how much credit was given to each individual Indian? How was that upper credit limit calculated? It was determined by how much that indian produced in deerskins last time. The first time is anyone's guess. But once history was developed between Indian and trader, then that Indian was given so much blackpower and other supplies for the hunt.

And where did the traders get that blackpowder and those muskets and those supplies?

They were given credit by the Merchants on the seacoast.

And those merchants were given credit by English manufacturers.

And those manufacturers needed investors.

So war threatened shutting down that trade. And full out war is coming. August 1759 was a month of Indian payback raids to right a past wrong. This was going to eventually affect involvement from the Virginia Regiment and men who had garrisoned Fort Winchester VA. An embargo was imposed on 14 Aug 1759 by South Carolina on blackpowder and muskets as penalty. But what reopened trade? More war?



Pa pedlars invading Winchester and animal pelt statistics

50,000 deerskin trade annually is Charleston SC alone

Page 6, The Cherokee Frontier, Conflict and Survival 1740-1762, by David H Corkran, published by University of Oklahoma Press 1962, paperback published 2016

Cherokee and White Traders


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