Fort Loudoun Winchester VA
Sunday Word 1 Periodically we like to repost this picture. . We are working on a better one. But for now, this provides how that fort...

Jacob Sperry Tanyard House
Sunday Word 2 Jacob Sperry Tanyard House aka Ross Castle, still owned by the Cartwrights . This is for the Winchester VA long time...

NYC is Black Hole of Calcutta X 1000
Black Hole of Calcutta --- 143 of 164 British prisoners held in a small sweltering prison died in 3 days. Other accounts say less. This...

“Der Feind, Heraus! Heraus!”
“Der Feind, Heraus! Heraus!” - is what Lt Andreas Wiederholdt may have heard on Christmas Day 1776. The Hessian, Lt Andreas...

Just a Shot Away
December 27, 1753 See the Indian aiming at Major George Washington and Ohio Company Scout Christopher Gist? . (Click or touch images to...

History on Founders Online
Sunday Word 1 . Founders Online? Let us hope that some Great Financier comes out to finance a Private Solution to maintaining Our...

Christmas 1755
Sunday Word 2 Christmas 1755 . This is a one sided view. But it is truly a part of the record. We mean to tell the whole story as best we...

Why Soldiers Why?
A song that asks a question? Why Soldiers Why?. Maybe James Wolfe sang this the night before he died on the Plains of Abraham in the...

Look to the Opposite Shore
Sunday Word. December 1675. . . A month of Sorrow. A month of recovering. A month of planning Revenge. . January 1675 is when they...

. . We've heard some re-enactor groups didn't think drummers were integral or that important. . Maybe because we have a drummer, we'd...