War North, South, West Timetable Sept 1760-June 1761
Up north, France surrenders Canada 8 Sept 1760. But the Illinois and Louisiana country has not been surrended by the French yet. Down South the French make an effort to send French soldiers and supplies to South Carolina's fallen Fort Loudoun in today's Tennessee. The swirl of water on the Tennesse called the "Suck" stops them. From the West taken Illinois country also sent some men and supplies to the fallen Fort Loudoun. Who knows what might have happened had that Fort Loudoun with a small French garrison and supplies been able to effect a greater Cherokee attack on Grant's Expedition? Out west, Detroit is taken over by Robert Rogers. He leaves from Fort Pitt 10 Oct 1760. He arrives there 11 Nov 1760.. Fort Pitt consolidates trade, peace, strength. Fort Pitt commander sends Virginia Regiment soldiers north to Venango to build a fort where the destroyed French Fort Machault was. Down south the Cherokees receive a final punishing shot from James Grant's expedition. He arrives in Charleston SC 15 Dec 1760 and doesn't arrive in the Cherokee lands to do damage until June 1761. The Byrd expedition will not make it in time to join Grant.

Late July Early August 1760 War in the North
Commander of Fort Pitt, Robert Monckton, ordered Robert Stewart to march from Fort Loudoun Winchester VA to Venango. Venango was the British word for the area where the French fort Machault was.
page 56 Norman Baker's Fort Loudoun book
August 9, 1760 War in the North
Robert Stewart arrives at Venango. He builds a new fort to replace the old burned down French Fort Machault. He is with 50 Virginians and 100 Pennsylvanians. He stays there until December 1760.
September 7, 1760 War in the North
Pierre de Reguad de Vaudreuil, the Governor General of Nouveau France in Montreal surrendered Canada. Quebec was lost in 1759.
page 32 McKee book
Canada was the New France territory but Louisiana was a different French territory. Louisiana was still held by France. This area encompassed the Ohio-Mississippi basin down to the Gulf of Mexico.
September 8, 1760 War in the South
Attakullakulla meets Byrd at Spring Hill
page 223 Corkran
September 20, 1760 War in the South
Attakullakulla leaves Byrd's camp at Spring Hill for Chota to tell them Byrd's offering and to join Standing Turkey and Oconostota discussing peace strategy.
page 215 Corkran
September 22, 1760 War in the South
McLemore and deputies arrive in Charleston from Chota.
page 231 Corkran
October 1, 1760 War in the South
Oconostota arrives at Keowee. He wants to discuss peace with Fort Prince George which sits near Keowee.
page 230 Corkran
October 10, 1760 War in the West
Robert Rogers leaves Pittsburgh on expedition to Detroit.
page 32 McKee book
November 1, 1760 War in the South
Byrd's Virginia Regiment enlistments to expire. They are 220 miles from Chota.
November 11, 1760 War in the West
Rogers arrives in Detroit area.
December 1760 War in the North
Robert Stewart leaves Venango to appear at Fort Pitt.
page 56 Norman Baker's Fort Loudoun book
Early December 1760
December 7, 1760 War in the West
Rogers urged Bouquet to encourage Pittsburgh traders to come to the Detroit region as quickly as possible. Rogers sent McKee to retrieve several French officers and soldiers who were held in Lower Shawnee towns in the Pickaway Plains near present day Circleville Ohio, 60 miles north of the intersection of Scioto and the Ohio river.
Originally that village was right on the Ohio meeting the Scioto. But in the Spring of 1758 the Ohio flooded to nearly 50 feet above its normal depth, forcing the Shawnee to relocate 60 miles north, which is the Pickaway Plains.
page 33 McKee book
Mckee travelled to those Indian towns to collect the French soldiers stationed theere. He brought his prisoner with him --- Pierre Antoine, Chevalier de Hertal, the commander of the French Detroit fort
page 34 McKee book
December 15, 1760, War in the South
Lord Jeffrey Amherst, the British commander-in-chief in America, being now master of Canada, sent orders to Colonel James Grant to prepare a new expedition against the Cherokee for the defence of the southern provinces.
December 23, 1760, War in the South
Grant's force sailed from New York for Charleston where he arrived January 10 1761.
January 10 1761
Grant's force arrives in Charleston, having sailed from New York December 23, 1760
January 1761
Robert Stewart leaves to Fort Pitt to appear at Fort Cumberland.
page 56 Norman Baker's Fort Loudoun book
February 11, 1761
Robert Stewart returned to Fort Loudoun Winchester VA after 6 months absence.
Lt Colonel Adam Stephen is there to greet Stewart
Colonel William Byrd III is in Philadelphia where he meets the Commander of all North American forces, Jeffery Amherst. Byrd also marries Mary Willing. His first wife committed suicide July 1760. Byrd returns to Fort Loudoun Winchester VA late April or early May 1761
page 56 Norman Baker's Fort Loudoun book
February 12, 1761
Mckee arrives at Fort Pitt with his prisoners, the French Fort Detroit commander, and 6 French soldiers. Twelve of the 18 French prisoners became either too sick or deserted along the way.
February 16, 1761
Lt Gov Francis Fauquier ordered the rendezvous of the Virginia Regiment to meet at Fort Loudoun. The troops must go back south to meet the troops who were still down there heading toward the Cherokee lands.
February 1761
McKee was assistant to Croghan. By this time Croghan has hired 4 assistants, one gunsmith and assistant, on blacksmith, one doctor, and two interpreters.
page 34 McKee book
Spring 1761
Amherst ordered Croghan at Fort Pitt to reduce his staff and his expenses to the Crown. He cut everybody but McKee.
page 34 McKee book
May 1761
Stewart might have met Washington before leaving Fort Loudoun Winchester VA to join the expedition towards the Cherokee lands.
May 30, 1761
Lt Colonel Adam Stephen leaves Fort Loudoun Winchester VA at some point after this date. He is going to join Stewart and Byrd at Augusta Courthouse (known as Staunton). That meeting of Stewart, Stephen and Byrd occurs late May or early June 1761.
June 11, 1761
The Virginia Regiment left Augusta Courthouse on this date. It's strength was just under 700 men.
Lt Col James Grant finished defeating the Cherokee Middle towns and then the Overhill towns the day before.
By the time the Virginia Regiment arrives at Reed's Creek (Fort Chiswell later), James Grant is already finished with his mission of destroying the Cherokee lands and is on his way back to South Carolina's Fort Prince George.
The Virginia Regiment conitnued southward.
Baker states they built a fort at Stalnaker's.
Still needing further work.
Compiled by Jim Moyer 9/3/2024, upated 11/3/2024